Chapter 12

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A piercing scream woke me up and in a blink of an eye, I had flung open my door and kicked Hayley's door open. I was ready to punch the person who had tried to hurt my mate but I could see no one. My eyes swiveled to Hayley; her whole body was shaking as she tightened her knuckles around the sheets and her eyes screwed up shut as if in a bad dream.

Another ear-splitting scream erupted in the room and I was already by her side.

"Stop it," a small voice murmured just as I had encircled my arms around Hayley and making her slightly relax. I turned my head to the side to meet those stormy blue eyes.

"How? What's happening to her?" I couldn't help but let worriness seep into my words.

"She's having a bad dream again," Mia curled her hand around Hayley's.

"Does s-she have that often?" I asked, my hold on Hayley tightening even more when she started to shake again.

"Yeah," she whispered. My gaze swept down to Hayley's sleeping figure in my arms; her face looked so troubled and it pained me to not know what she was dreaming about.  My hand involuntarily sunk into her soft silky hair. Caressing her hair seemed to calm her down considerably. Sighing, I settled my back against the bed post and glanced at Mia who was already staring at me.

"Sorry...for barging in like this," I grimaced.

"No, thank you for everything," Mia smiled, her little brown curls bouncing as she sat up.

"For what?"

"For barging in and for letting us stay at your place," Mia rolled her eyes making me let out a small laugh.

"Technically I forced your sister," I frowned.

"Yeah but for a good cause right?"

I blinked at the little girl before slowly nodding, "I gues- Yeah."

She leapt out of the bed and rummaged in the pile of bags on the floor.

"Why hasn't Hayley put the stuff in the cupboard?" I asked.

Mia glanced at me before shrugging, "She didn't want to appear like she was going to stay, I guess."

"She's planning on leaving?!" I growled in anger and tightened my hold on her waist. Mia stared at me quizzically.

"I think so because I know that Pig would do anything to not be in debt," She shrugged.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"I meant that Pig would make her best to leave this place or run services to pay for staying, even if it took her her whole life to pay back."

"She doesn't need to pay me back! I just want to offer her something she deserves,"

"All I know is that if she heard you say that, she would blow your face up."

We remained for two whole seconds staring at each other with straight faces and then suddenly we burst out laughing. Hayley grunted in her sleep and we instantly tried to shut the hell up. Mia pounded her little fist on the floor and did the silent laughter while I slammed my fists onto my mouth, guffawing (yeah that hurt).

"Omigosh, I'm imagining that happening-" I cut myself by letting out another series of guffaws.

"Gold, that would be simply gold," she giggled and suddenly snapped her mouth shut when Hayley grunted again before brusquely turning and resulting that we were now face to chest.

It didn't help that I was leaning against the bedpost- half sitting up while she had sunk her face right into my chest. She was practically in between my legs; a fact that Mia didn't fail to notice.

"Urm, I'll be going now..." she gave me a mischievous grin before opening the door.

"Wait! You're sister's gonna be worried," I called out.

"I won't leave the house or go in unknown rooms, I'll just go in the kitchen," she replied.

"Okay but I'd advise you to go join Tony, he's probably in the game room like always. It's the red door right across from the kitchen," I nodded. Her cheeks went beet red when I said his name.

"U-um ok," she muttered, "Oh and have fun," she added before closing the door. This time I was the one who went red. I swear the girl talks and thinks like an eighteen year old.

Once she was gone my gaze drifted to Hayley. Her curtain of long black hair spread on my chest and not a single sight of her face could be spotted. Before I could stop myself, my hands had sunk into the soft veil. A slight moan left my lips and I relaxed considerably.

Actually I relaxed so much that I fell asleep...with my arms around her.


A piercing scream filled the room and woke me up- seems like a familiar situation. My eyes snapped open and I pushed myself up which also resulted in the person lying on me fall flat on her back in the bed.

"What? What's wrong?" I frantically asked, my eyes roaming over her face to make sure that she wasn't hurt.

"What do you mean what's wrong?! What are you doing in my bed?!" Hayley screamed but I didn't hear. No, I was too preoccupied by our compromising position.

Her legs were around my waist and her back flat on the bed. Her shirt was slightly misplaced and I could see the black sports bra pushing up her boobs. My hands tightened around her arms as my arousal grew and my wolf howled in need.

Her eyes grew as wide as saucers when she felt my...bulge.

She tried to get up but only resulted in brushing my mini me. I let out a pained groaned and she froze.

I could hear her heart beating fast and hard. Hayley shifted again and this time I pushed her down flat on her back. "If you keep on doing that, I'm going to take you right then and there, you hear me?" I growled, my eyes swimming with lust and need.

She gulped and nodded quickly. "Don't move, I-I will try and get away," I managed to say. My wolf and I fighting against each other.

Just kiss the fuck out of her dude! You're the Alpha so act like one!

Are you joking? You want me to force her to kiss me!

Well no shit, princess. Stop acting like the goddamn godfather of Cinderella.

I'm never going to force her to do something she doesn't want to plus a true mate doesn't hurt his beloved.

Urgh, all this lovey dovey princess story is getting to your head. Fine then, miss the opportunity to have a free kiss with your mate and jump off her.

And Ryder cut off his link to me. Yeah, yeah, ignore me like some child, I internally scoffed. I shook my head and then suddenly realized that I was still hovering over Hayley. I quickly leapt off and snatched a pillow to cover...the bulge.

Slowly, she stood up, her face as red as my face.

"I-I'm sorry. I think I'll be go-going," I stumbled out of the room and ran out like Usain Bolt.

"Wait-" I heard her cry out but I think it was my imagination.



OMG OMG I AM FREAKING SORRY MY DEAR EARTHLINGS. Like I'm not gonna lie but I had a writer's block so I literally didn't put on my computer for ddaayyyyyyssssssss.

I LOVE U GUYS for all the comments and EVERYTHING

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and whatnot :33333

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