Chapter 23

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I swung my bag on my back as I exited the school doors along with a hundred other students. The final bell had rung and I was about to head to Mia's school. I tugged on my helmet when all of a sudden, a hand clamped itself on my shoulder. I whirled around- my fists already poised for attack.

Stacy's eyes widened in shock and she jumped away with a squeal.

"I'm so sorry- I didn't know that was you!" I grimaced but then she started laughing.

"Your reaction was priceless!" She guffawed. My jaw dropped slightly in disbelief.

"Weren't you the one who jumped away in fright at my reaction?" I lifted a brow questioningly and her cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

"Oh whatever," She huffed playfully, "I just wanted to ask you if you were willing to come over for a sleepover at my place,"

"Tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah," She nodded.

"I would love to but...I have a little sister to look after-"

"-You can bring her!" She grinned.

"Really? I wouldn't want to bother anyone," I bit my lip.

"Don't you worry, I'd love to see your sister. Beverly will be there too," She smiled excitedly.

"Okay then, I don't see why I wouldn't be able to make it," I smiled.

"Great! I'll text you the place," She squealed.

"Cool, I'll see you later then?"

"Yes!" She waved me goodbye as I drove out of the parking place. Against my own will, shivers of excitement went through me at the thought of going to a sleepover. It had been two years since my last sleepover- let alone making a friend. I parked at Mia's school and waited for her to notice me. She was so engrossed in a conversation with Tony that she didn't even look up once. I let out an amused laugh at the sight. Her head snapped up at the sound of my voice and she gasped.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She ran up to me and I think she didn't notice that she was pulling Tony with her too.

I shook my head with a grin, "It's fine, don't worry about it. I'm glad you made a good friend,"  And Tony smiled widely.

"Is your brother going to pick you up, Tony?" I asked and to my great surprise, he shook his head.

"No, he called my teacher during lunch and told her that he wouldn't be able to pick me up so I'm going to go to the bus stop," He shrugged. Anger filled me up instantly. Was Blake serious? Was he really gonna make an 11 year old boy walk to the bus station alone?

I clenched my fists tightly and bit my lip hard to stop myself from swearing in front of the kids. I grabbed Tony's hand and told him, "No need for you to do that, you're coming on my bike- after all we're all going to the same place."

"But how are you going to fit three people on a bike?" He spluttered.

"Mia's going to hold me from the back and you'll be in front with me," I lifted him up before he could protest and stuck my helmet onto his head.

"Now hold on to the gears so that you don't fall," I instructed and he shakily planted his hands on the gears.

"Don't worry, it'll be a short ride and I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it when we'll be speeding away," I grinned and Mia nodded fervently to show Tony that I was right. I recalled my first time riding on a bike with my father- at first it had been scary but then the thrill hit me like a train wanting to rewind again and again.

I pressed on the pedal and the bike shot out onto the road. The helmet muffled Tony's scream as we sped down the road while swerving around the trucks and cars. In no time at all, I was entering Blake's front yard. I lifted Mia down the bike before turning to Tony to remove his helmet.

I nearly burst out laughing at the huge grin on Tony's face, "Oh my god! Let's do it again!"

"Don't worry, you'll be on Bertha again very soon," I grinned and patted the seat of my bike fondly.

"You promise?" Tony pleaded.

"Yes," I nodded and he flung himself at me. I slipped on the grass at the sudden weight of him crashing into me and at that precise moment a car entered the yard. Leroy and Tyler rushed out of their car and screamed, "What the hell happened?"

Tony and I took one look at each other before bursting out in laughter. Mia was pounding on the grass in laughter while Tyler and Leroy looked at us like we were a bunch of crazy people. Tony started to role on the grass and the sight was so funny that even Tyler started to laugh which eventually lead to everyone laughing like maniacs.

I couldn't remember the last time I had laughed so much. When we had all finally calmed down, Leroy took my hand and helped me up.

"Jeez, I don't even know why I laughed," He grinned.

"Me neither," I grimaced. Leroy giggled and I laughed at the weird sound.

"So Hayley, me and the boys were planning on going clubbing tonight, you up for it?" Tyler grinned.

I shook my head sheepishly, "Sorry, I'm sleeping at a friend's today,"

I think Tyler and Leroy's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. "What?! Are you serious?"

"I'm capable of making friends you know," I glared playfully. To my immense surprise, Leroy flung himself at me and started squealing.

"OMG! Can you believe this? My little girl is growing up so quickly. Oh my god, this shit is getting emotional," He shrieked and tried to jump while squeezing the life out of me. The funniest thing was that he was taller than me and it was so weird to see him trying to bend down to hug me.

"Leroy get off me you dork," I said while laughing crazily. Tyler and Mia were practically rolling in the grass trying to contain their laughter. I was so busy trying to breathe in Leroy's tight hug that I didn't even notice the car entering the driveway and parking next to Tyler's car. That was until someone spoke up:

"What the hell?"

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