Chapter Four

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This is a pretty fast update for me, wouldn’t you say? J Well, I wrote this chapter this afternoon, and I’m very happy with it. Well, not completely happy with it. Nothing ever turns out the way you had it in your head, you know? But still. I like it. And I finally get to introduce Charlie, who’s one of my favorite characters (I know, I have favorite characters even though they’re my own). But you’ll have to wait a little longer for my most favorite character, Jay. Just wait…. You’ll love him… I hope, anyway. So anyway, enough blabbing. Here’s chapter four!

Gracias!! <3 vb123321

Chapter Four

♥            Astrid         ♥

            It felt nice, being a team again. As much as I pretend to hate being a spy for Delta – and sometimes it’s true – I have to admit that I would die of boredom without some adrenaline rushes now and then. Plus, being a spy makes you so much more romantic.

            Well… Maybe not.

            The day hadn’t gotten any cooler in the half an hour we had been inside. My feet were starting to get hot inside my boots, but I wasn’t taking them off. Those boots could save my life. They held my gun, a knife, and also had a false heel in which I stored a few, ah, personal items.

            Josh held the map that Young had thoughtfully provided for us. We were standing outside the motel, and he scanned it. “It’s about an hour away from here,” Josh said after a moment. “Outside of Marseilles, and near this big canyon thing.”

            “A canyon?” I repeated skeptically. “I wasn’t aware that we were in Arizona. Although,” I added, glancing up at the blazing sun, “it’s hot enough to be.”

            “It’s more of a gorge,” Josh explained. “Or like a large fissure in the earth.”

            I exchanged a look with Pierre. “You lost me,” he said.

            Josh sighed. “Look, it’s like this big crack right about two hundred meters in front of his manor, very conveniently able to keep away intruders. There’s this rope bridge across it over here,” he tapped the map, “that supposedly will lead you near his very own doorstep.”

            “Which we want to avoid?” I asked. “Or do we want to introduce ourselves and stay for tea?”

            “Preferably the former,” Pierre said grimly. “This guy has loads of bodyguards, all of which are armed with AK-47s and who knows what else.”

            I scoffed. “They’re no match for me.” But Pierre’s face was deadly serious so I quickly said, “All right, I get it. Are we going now?”

            “In what, exactly?” Josh demanded. “Do you see any method of transportation? Other than a taxi?” he added, as I opened my mouth. I swear, sometimes that boy read my mind. It could be very irritating.

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