Chapter Thirty

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Okay, I'm uploading early. I realize that it's break and stuff - at least for some of us - so I'm guessing you guys haven't checked to see if I uploaded. So if you haven't read Chapter 29, please go back and read, vote, and comment on that. That's the one where Decrioux discusses everything, so if you missed that pep talk and the fact that he's now Cloying, you'll be super confused and you gotta go back and read that. Because that chapter's important, okay? Okay. Thanks so much! School starts again in 2 days so I'm upset over that, but oh well. I don't know why I'm still talking.

Gracias!!! <3 vb123321

Oh. One more thing. From now on, Decrioux is Cloying. Because that's his real name. Just making that clear in case you missed it :) Enjoy!

Chapter Thirty

♦       Charlie       ♦

            I was now completely convinced that we were dealing with a psychopath. I mean, could you think otherwise of someone who had just informed you of their brilliant plan to destroy the United States of America? I was hardly the most patriotic person alive, but I still didn’t mind living in the States. Not that I lived there, but admittedly, it was a much better place than, say, Uganda. Why wasn’t he targeting them?

            But none of that was important, because I was ninety-eight point six percent sure that none of Cloying’s plan could actually happen…except for the whole blow-up-the-U.S.-with-nuclear-weapons thing. If he did have that kind of artillery…well, we were pretty much screwed. If he could actually carry through with it. That was a pretty big “if.” And a little too big for my liking.

            Cloying, becoming fed up with talking to us, apparently, had announced that he was going away for a spell to “refresh himself” or some other crap. He had one foot in the hall when he turned back to face us.

            “One last thing.” His eyes roamed over our faces before landing to my right. “Mr. LaPointe – if you would be so kind?”

            He extended an arm in a mock invitation, and Pierre looked at it in alarm. I saw Astrid’s eyes widen out of the corner of my own and kicked her not-so-gently to keep her quiet. One of the Portuguese guards approached us from the back of the room, latching his arms underneath Pierre’s and forcing him out of the chair. He struggled, but the guard’s grip was firm, and he was rapidly propelled out of the room after Cloying.

            Astrid immediately stood with a furious look on her face, turning towards Jay with a mix of rage and fear, a look that I hated to see. Jay held up a warning hand, looking to the guards that remained in the back of the room.

            “Deixe-nos. Agora.” Leave us. Now.

His voice was a bark that made the guards’ heads whip around to look at him. I craned my own neck to see their reaction, and was rewarded by their set jaws and glittering dark eyes that informed me that the Portuguese weren’t pleased to have Jay ordering them around. Then again, who would be?

Por favor,” Jay gritted out between tightly clenched teeth. It probably took a lot of effort for him to say ‘please.’ I could tell that every muscle in his body was tensed as he held eye contact with the guards for a full ten seconds before they complied. Walking purposefully slowly, the Portuguese stalked out of the room, slamming the heavy metal door as hard as they could.

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