Chapter 5

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I started falling asleep on the chair but I promised myself that I couldn't sleep. Not yet. Adam is in no position to lock me in his room. All I had to do was just wait for him to finish with his meeting and I'lll talk to him. Plus, meetings shouldn't take that long, right?

My eyelids were becoming more heavy and decided to stand up and walk around. I looked at the clock that was at the night stand and it read 12:00am. My god, how long have I been waiting?  I went to the bathroom to put some water on my face, hoping that it would wake me up.

When I walked out of the bathroom it was then I realized that Adam's room was huge. He had a king size bed, a walk-in closet and a bathroom (that was just like a normal bathroom except fancier). His room was painted in a dark wine, which made the room look comfy, he had wood tiled floor and a door that led to a mini balcony. It was simple but elegant at the same time.

I stopped pacing around the room and decided to sit down, I ate all my snacks and I had half of my bottle of water. My wolf was really tired and she was begging me to close my eyes for just 5 minutes.

Just 5 minutes, Riley. Just 5 minutes.

Sometime during the night I felt someone picking me up and putting me down on the bed. I was gonna protest but I felt the softness of the sheets and I found myself drifting off to sleep.

I woke up with a ray of sunshine coming in from outside. My eyes fluttered open and I felt arms wrapped around me. I tried getting out of his grip but he just wrapped his arms around me even tighter. He let out a low growl and my heart flutter.

Now's not the time, Riley. Remember that you're mad at him for locking you in his room.

My plan was to try to roll in the bed so he would lose his grip on me. I made one last roll before I fell off the bed and made a loud thump sound. "Ow" I said as I turned around and rubbed my forehead. "Riley?" Adam said in a sleepy voice. His head appeared on the edge of the bed and his eyes squinted a little bit from the brightness that was entering the room. His eyebrows furrowed in confusing as he saw me on the floor, probably wondering how in the world I ended up here.

"What are you doing on the floor?" He asks as he rubbed his eyes.   Oh. My. God.  If it wasn't for him locking me in his room I would be dying to get back into bed with him and fall asleep in his arms. But no, he just happens to drive me crazy. "Well I was waiting for you yesterday after you locked me in your room". I said crossing my arms while still lying down on the floor.

"We both know you weren't gonna stay if I didn't lock it." He said as he rolled his eyes in annoyance. Really? He's annoyed at me? Oh please. "You still haven't answered my question" he said. Keeping his eyes locked on mine. "What question?" I do know what question his talking about I just need to stall so I can have more time to think about what excuse to give him.

"What are you doing on the floor?" He asked, raising one eyebrow. "Oh, well since it's your bed I didn't want to ruin your goodnight sleep so I slept on the floor so you could get th- I fell ok?" I said and sighed.

"Right" he said while getting up. He walked over to me and helped me get up. He was still holding my hand when I got up and I was looking into his eyes, he quickly took his hand away from mine once he realized he was still holding mine. "I- uh, I gotta go but I'll come back with breakfast ok?" He said as he changed his shirt from yesterday to a sweatshirt. I was awe struck when I saw his abs. He definitely works out. He saw me looking at him and smirked, he walked closer to me and I froze in my spot as he whispered in my ear. "Don't worry, princess. There's more where that came from." He said in a low and husky tone. He chuckled and I was pretty sure he could hear my heart beat speeding faster and faster every second. I was still frozen in my spot when he walked out the door and I heard something being locked.

I was out of my trance and I went running to the door. He locked me in again! "Adam Parker! You are so going to pay for this! You hear me!" I said as I banged the door. "I'll be back soon, princess" was the last thing he said.

"UGH! YOU BETTER BRING ME HASH BROWNS, ADAM PARKER!" I wasn't sure if he heard me or not but hopefully someone would've heard and that person would tell Adam my need for hash browns.

Hey guys! Sorry my chapters are taking a bit long to upload, we all the know how school -.- but hopefully I'll be updating tomorrow or on Thursday.

Thanks for all the readers!! See you on the next chapter!

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