Chapter 37

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Over the next few weeks, Russell had me work on how to control my energy and how I could change my scent to distract my enemies. Although Russell and Jason didn't know how to achieve this, they had done their fare share of research and tried many different techniques. So far, I had mastered everything that had to do with agility and speed. Turns out I'm pretty good at this fighting stuff. Russell had mentioned how controlling my energy was a key element in this, but we were getting nowhere. I tried to stall as much as I could to be able to talk to Tyler and Emily about their share of the plan, but it could only get me so far. 

The more time I spent thinking about the plan, the more I thought how dangerous this actually was. One of us makes a wrong step and it's over. Russell would find out, without a doubt, and we would all be killed. Even Adam's pack would be killed. There had been times where I started to doubt if we should go through with the plan and my thoughts would always go back to Adam. Would I really be able to live without Adam? No, which is why the plan as to work. Even if it kills me.

I was making some toast in the kitchen when Russell walked in with a huge smile on his face. "When you're done eating breakfast, come to my office. I have a surprise for you." With that he walked away. A surprise? A million thoughts rushed through my head as I ate my toast thinking about this surprise. Once I finished I made my way to office and knocked on the door to be let in. As I stepped inside, my heart stopped. Right in front of me was a chair with a few straps in it, a small table with a 2 syringes filled with something blue and a doctor talking to Russell in a hushed voice. "Um, what's all this?" I asked, I looked around the room looking for Jason, but he was nowhere in sight. 

"Riley! This is Dr. Decker, he's here to help us with this small problem of yours." He said in a cheerful voice. Dr. Decker turned around and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. He was as tall as Adam and his dark brown hair was all over the place. He had bags under his eyes and a beard that was starting to grow in patches. He looked like he was in his 30's, but his eyes were what struck me most. They were completely black and his hands were shaking ever so slightly. This was not good. Not only was Dr. Decker giving psycho vibes, but Russell looked like he hadn't slept in days. His eyes were starting to get red and in his desk were at least 3 cups that I assumed were filled with coffee. Papers were scattered around the desk and I started to back away slightly when a pair of hands grabbed me by my side. 

"You're not going anywhere, princess." Kevin whispered in my ear sending a chill by my side. "Don't be scared, Riley! Dr. Decker has found the solution!" Said Russell coming up to me and putting his hands on my shoulders. "And what exactly is the solution?" I asked, my voice wavering. My heartbeat was going crazy and my wolf was urging me  to find an exit as fast as possible. My eyes kept wandering around the room, looking for something, anything, to help me get out of here. But there wasn't a window in sight and the only door available was being locked by Kevin. 

"Well, Dr. Decker has created a solution that will help you achieve your true abilities. It might hurt just a little bit, but it will open up new doors for you." Russell said with big eyes. This was definitely not good. "Um, I don't think this is the right way to do this. I mean I have been working really hard non-stop, so maybe I'm just a little tired." I say breaking away from his embrace and walking towards the other corner of the room, away from the chair and Dr. Decker. "My darling, this is the only way." Dr. Decker says in an eerie voice. Alarm bells were ringing inside of my head, but there's I had nowhere to go, no one to call. "This wasn't part of our deal." I said backing into the wall and looking at Russell. "Deals change, and my patience is running low." Russell said in a dark voice. My hands roam around my side trying to look for a weapon to defend myself with. On my right side, I feel a fire poker stick and grab a hold of that. 

"Now, you'll be a good girl and sit down in the chair and Dr. Decker do his job." He said gesturing to the chair. "Not a chance in hell." I say and swing the poker stick right in his face. He screams out in pain and covers the side of his face. Kevin runs at me and I swing the poker stick, but miss and he grabs hold of my hand and twists it. I scream in pain and drop the poker stick to the ground. "And here I thought you were suppose to be special." He says, twisting my arm even further. With my free hand, I punch his face and when hold goes loose, I retrieve my hand and kick him on the side of his stomach. 

He stumbled to the side and pulls out a knife pocket. From the corner of my eye, I see Dr. Decker crouched down on Russell's side making sure he's okay. Kevin gives me a smirk and starts swinging the knife in my face. I focus on the blade and remember my training. I crouch down when he swings again and swing my leg over his feet so he falls on his back. The knife slides away from me and I sit on his stomach. I punch him in the face and before I can strike another punch something hard hits me on the side of my head. And everything goes black. 

 I slowly start coming to my senses and when I opened my eyes, I saw Russell and Dr. Decker towering above me. They were speaking to each other and they hadn't notice that I was awake. I tried to move my hands, but they were strapped. So was my head, my legs and my torso. My breathing started to get heavy and I tried to wiggle out of the restraints of the chair. "She's awake." Says Kevin from the side of the room. I couldn't see him, but from the tone if his voice I could tell he was not happy. 

"Riley." Russell says, looking down on me. "Let me go." I said, fear lacing my voice. "Now, you know I can't do that. This is going to help me create the perfect weapon." He said with a smirk on his face. "What are you going to do?" I say, trying to calm my breathing. There was nothing I could do at this point. "This here, will enhance your focus and will take away all of those other silly thought. Like your precious mate, Adam. Your only focus will be to serve me and to win the war." He said in a serious tone. "War?" I said. He gives a smile and gives Dr. Decker the go. "This will only hurt a bit." He said while wiping down the side of my neck with a napkin. 

Before I could call for help, I felt the syringe push through my skin and burning liquid shot through my veins. I screamed in pain and thrashed around in the chair. I could feel the burning sensation cursing through my body and before I could take a breathe, the second syringe went in and I screamed until my throat was raw. Tears were falling down my face uncontrollably and no matter how hard I screamed, no one came through the door. After a few seconds, my body started going numb and suddenly a wave of tiredness came over me. But, I didn't want to sleep. I didn't know what would happen in the morning. I needed to stay awake to find help. I needed to get back to... who did I needed to get back to? 

"Sweet dreams, Riley." Was the last thing I heard before darkness took over me.


Hellooo again! I started school again, so it's been a bit  hard finding the time to write and finish this book. But I got inspired to write this chapter and I have new ideas for new books which I'm dying to start, but I want to finish this book first. I have a few ideas to end the book in 3-4 chapters, but it all depend on how creative I'm feeling hahaha. I hope you guys like this chapter and thank you so much for supporting me! You guys are the best and I love you so much, this book would not be here right now if it weren't for you guys! See you on the next chapter. 

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