Chapter 1 - Back to School

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It was 7:30 in the morning. For any British child school would start again. It was the final term before the summer holidays and they had just come back from a break. Tyler Adams was fast asleep in his room. The alarm went off and his eyes opened slowly. He rubbed his eyes and tapped the alarm. He rose from his bed. He was 16 in two months. He was tall and very muscular for his age. He forced himself of his bed and walked towards his brother's room.

He walked in and tapped his brother. "Hey Joshua, wake up". Joshua's eyes opened. "What" he muttered. "Oh right school". "Yeah, school. Anyways I'm going in the shower". He walked out of his brother's room and walked into the bathroom. He had his shower.

As he finished he walked out of the shower with a towel around his waist. He opened his cupboard and took out trousers and a polo t-shirt. As it was the summer term the school allowed students to wear a polo t-shirt with the schools logo. He quickly got changed. As he pulled the t-shirt over his head he saw his brother walk into the shower. He buttoned up the t-shirt and sprayed on his perfume. He picked up his comb and brushed his hair. He took his Nike Hoodie and bag and jumped down the stairs. He pulled a bowl out and began eating his cereal.

As he put his bowl in the dishwasher his brother came in grabbing a bowl for himself. "What time do you want to leave"? The school was only 5 minutes from their house. "I'm gonna leave soon, I want to catch up with Daniel" Tyler replied. As Joshua finished his breakfast, they said goodbye to their mother Chloe Adams. They took their bikes out of the garage and biked to the school.

As they entered, they got off the bike and locked it in the bike shack. "See you later, Josh". "You to bro". They walked off into their spate ways. Tyler walked over to the playground and saw his best-friend Daniel Smith. They had been best-friends since they were in nappies. "Daniel" Tyler shouted. He turned around and saw his best friend walking towards him. "Ha-ha, my man Tyler, where have you been". Tyler walked up to him. "What do you mean where have I been, you were the one away in France. "So what was it like" Hunter asked. They both exchanged what they did over the holiday and as the bell went off they walked off towards their form room on the 2nd floor.

Daniel walked ahead and peeked through the window in the door. "Guess what, we have our favourite form tutor, Mr Norman Roberts". Tyler scowled. "Bloody hell, I hate him". "Yeah and we all know he hates you". They walked in and saw a notice on the board. PHSE First Lesson.

Tyler and Daniel sat next to each other. Once the school bell had finished the teacher began speaking. "So everyone, welcome back. We have PHSE this lesson as you can see. Tyler shut up". Tyler was startled he had hardly spoken. "Anyways, today's PHSE is about future careers. The first 25 minutes will be about you writing about your future career. Then the next 15 minutes will be where some of you read yours out. Amy had out the papers. Once you receive one you can start. Amy had walked to the front of the class and picked up some lined A4 paper. As Amy came to his table she spoke to him.

"Hey Tyler, how was your holiday. Didn't see you around much". Amy had been their next door neighbour since they had moved in. "Mostly fights in a ring, but not too bad. You"? "Not too bad either thank you". She walked to another table to hand out the rest of the paper.

Tyler had taken his pen out of his bag and began writing. He knew what he wanted to be since he was eleven. His father had worked for the army. His father was killed trying to save his Captain. He wrote about his father and how he wanted to join the SAS once he finished school.

After 25 minutes the teacher had finally spoke. "Right, that's your 25 twenty five minutes. And seeing as Tyler had spoken through most of the time I'm guessing he seems ready". Mr Roberts snatched his paper and began to read. He cleared his throat.

"My future career is to be part of the army. My father had once worked for the army and he died saving his Captain. This was a great inspiration to me. So as soon as secondary school finishes I intend to contact the Captain that was saved by my father. And by then hopefully I can claim a job in the SAS and regain my father's job". He finished reading and laughed. "Really Tyler. That's pathetic. Bragging on about your father". Tyler stood up. He didn't mind being made fun of but he didn't like anyone making fun of his dead father. "You can hardly pass a science exam let alone get into the SAS". Tyler began walking towards his teacher. "Sit down boy". Everyone in his class and school knew that Tyler was one of the strongest. He could see the fear in his teacher. "Do not, and I mean never ever make fun of my father". He squared up and punched Mr Roberts in the nose. As a kid he had learned several martial arts. His father had sent him to many. He then spun around and kicked the teacher in his hips. He the karate kicked his guts and he fell to the floor. He was chocking on his blood as he had also been winded. He smiled but was still angry. Everyone had got up. Daniel began to clap and other began to follow.

A teacher had been walking past and stormed in. "Tyler Adams, what do you think you are doing"? "I'm sorry Miss Anderson, it was an accident". "I don't care get to the head teacher's office. NOW"! "Fine whatever". Tyler walked out and began walking to the main corridor. He entered the waiting room to see the head teacher.

Minutes later Miss Anderson walked in and knocked on the head teacher's office. She walked in and closed the door. From what he had guessed she was explaining what had happened. She walked out minutes later. "You can go in now" Miss Anderson said

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