Chapter 3 - Decisions

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The trio soon arrived on Abbey Road when they suddenly heard a voice. "Hey wait up". They all turned around. Joshua was cycling behind them. "Oh it's you" Tyler said. "Thought it was someone more important". Joshua jumped off his bike. "Oh shut up". Tyler grinned. "So is it true then". "What's true"? Hunter replied. "You're a legend. Beating up Mr Roberts. Everyone in my years talking about. There all so happy that he's gone for a while". Amy slapped the back of his head. "Ow Amy that hurt". "Sorry Joshua, but don't go round celebrating. He's back in two days". He groaned. "Oh well. The fun lasted". They all carried on walking. When they arrived at the two houses, they all said good-bye to Amy even though she was coming round after.

As they arrived at their door, Tyler opened it and entered. Joshua ran through and entered the kitchen while Tyler and Daniel walked up to Tyler's room. They sat down. "Bloody hell. I come here every day and feel like this is my second home". Suddenly Tyler's mum cake round the door. "Hello Daniel, I made some lasagne before, would you like some". "Sure thing Mrs Adams, just call me and I'll get it". She walked out of the room. "See I told you, second home". They grinned at each other.

Half-an-hour later the door bell rang. Tyler mum went to answer it. "Oh hello Amy". "Hi Mrs Adams, how are you". "I'm fine thank you Amy, there both upstairs. Why don't you go up"? She nodded and walked slowly up the stairs.

Amy knocked on the door and entered. "Hey Amy". "Hey guys". "By the way Amy, you know you don't have to knock". "Oh okay then". She sat on the bed crossed leg and sat in silence for a while. "So is anyone gonna talk" Daniel said. They all laughed. "So Tyler where you telling the truth about going to join the army" Daniel asked. "Yeah sure, I've always wanted to anyways". "It's dangerous and stuff" Amy added. "Well I was born for a bit of danger. Let me show you". In the corner of the room there was a blank flip chart with a wire at the bottom. "What is that" Amy asked. "Yeah I come here every day wondering what that is" Daniel said. Tyler picked it up and put it next to the bed. He pulled the wire. It revealed plans and different pieces of paper. "Whoa you really do wanna join" Daniel exclaimed. They were both shocked. "So in two years time in April 2011 I'm gonna join the SAS and from there I carry on. Who knows where it will lead me. "Wow Tyler, you really have this passion". "Course I do Amy". He sat next to her and put his arm around her. "In two years time I'll be ready. You'll see. Anyways you guys will have your own careers.

Tyler "Hunter" Adams - Part 1 - SelectionWhere stories live. Discover now