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Abby's POV.

As we were looking at each other with worried looks, I saw something move in the corner of the room we were sitting in.

"Look!"  I said pointing over the corner. I saw the same girl there, the one from the bushes. She was wearing the same red dress. She was trying to say something but I couldn't understand her.
"Shit," Evelyn said, I saw her expressions chang vividly.
"What is it, Ev?" I asked her.
"She," She said.
"She what?" I asked.
"Abby? Don't move." She said.
"But-" I wanted to ask because her voice modulation was scaring me even further,

"I said, don't move," She whispered.

"He is right behind you holding a big knife and if you move, it's gonna go straight through your head,"
I froze and now I felt like no muscle exists inside of me, no muscle to move. My body was sweating but then too, I attempted the dare to look behind.
"No!" Ev yelled.
But fortunately nobody was there. "She's running away!" Wesker yelled.
"This must have a stop. Your house. If this is the source of everything, then there must be a weak spot in the house, where she can't come," She said.
And all her words made sense. I started to feel more confident. "I don't know much. But, all the evidence, which is this Ouija Board mainly, I found it in the attic, but when I searched for any thing else related, I did not feel any presence around me. But one thing was strange, when I stepped out of the attic, I felt a bit colder," I told her in a whisper,

"The attic, we have tk move very slowly," She said, We gathered the Ouija board together and made our way to the attic. I locked Cookie in my room, so he'd be safe,

We rushed to the attic and I was the last to enter so I'd close the door behind me, planchette in one hand in other hand the knob of the door. I saw left and right ensuring about no signs of danger, at least for now.

As I was closing the knob I saw a horrible face on the knob constantly screaming, "You'll die!" I didn't care about any thing and pulled the door, locked it.
Then when I turned around, I saw my friends sitting in a circle.
Between them was the little girl.
"What's with her?" I asked.
"She has something to tell us. She says it's important," Rosa said.

"You talked to her?" I asked,

"Yeah, and she says we need to hear her out,"
Rose replied,

"Wait, you didn't feel any evil in here, did you?" Evelyn asked me, I shook my head,
"Then maybe she's not a bad spirit, that's why she's here with us, in front of the board," Evelyn said,

"Guys? You trust her?" I asked, gesturing to the little girl,

"At this instance? Yeah, I don't know why, maybe good spirits can help us?" Darren said,
"Sit down," the girl said. She had a real sweet voice, I was totally freaked out but I did sit next tk Evelyn, you know just in case.

"So, first of all, I am no danger for you," she said and we all sighed. Like at this moment whatever she said we'd believe her,

"Second. I am Hannah and I am 6 years old," she continued,
"So, what do you wanna tell us?" Darren asked her. I nodded my head in agreement.

"I am your Uncle's Daughter. My full name is Hannah Mason West." She turned to me and said, I was shocked. Yes, I indeed my uncle's name was Mason West! But he never mentioned his daughter to my parents.
"But he never told us about you," I said raising my eyebrow,

I have told Rosa about all my family. But I never mentioned Hannah to her because I didn't know. Simple.

"Yes. Because he didn't want me to play this game," She said.

"What do you mean?"

"He found this game at our doorstep, and he wanted to keep me away from it. He knew someone from your family was going to play it so he never mentioned me to you so I'd be out of this,"

"So then, why are you a ghost?" Wesker asked,

"I argued with him, I wanted to know what the game was about. The worst thing was, my dad, he was drunk. He was angry, Mom had called the same day to him that she found a rich guy to marry, he was already mad, and without thinking, he pulled out his gun, and..." her voice lowered,

"And he shot you?" Rosa asked,

"No before that, I ran to your house for help. He shot me and I fell at your doorstep, dead," She said as streams of tears started to flow down her cheek.

I was shocked at her story. Uncle Mason, or rather I say, Mason, kept her presence so shut, that we never noticed he owned a daughter. "That's why, I am attached to your house, and I've been trying to tell you this from so long, but he just wouldn't let me contact you," she said.

"This all makes sense now," I said. All the pieces of the puzzle were getting back in place,
"Lets continue," Wesker said.
"What?" Darren asked.
"Our game. The Ouija Board,"
As he said this we all kept our index and middle finger on the planchette. This time, I was feeling helpless but yes, I agree, I felt these terrible vibes. Coming from Rosa, because the way she looked at Evelyn wasn't normal, and it was damn noticeable.

"Now, it's time," Evelyn said.
"For what?" Wesker asked.
"Its time to talk to him" Evelyn said, looking at me,

"You mean, Mason?" I asked hoping for a no,

"Yes," She said nodding her head. I felt this breeze again, which made a shiver slide down my spine again. I looked at Hannah, she nodded as well.


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