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I couldn't think straight at this moment, Evelyn asked the same thing but it didn't move, then why did it point at yes when I asked?

Anyways after our break, before starting this,
We decided to record a video log and figure out what this all mess was. I had a small camera, which had enough memory and battery, I kinda used for my school trips to record the view and the journey but now it was no use to me, I don't know why I kept it on a good condition, I just has this vibe, you know, that this camera can prove its importance some day. So I just kept it good.

Evelyn moved on and said, "What do you want from us,Mason?"

The planchette moved over the alphabets. Rosa grabbed the notepad nearby, and started to note down the alphabets it read.

It read, NOT HIM.

"What?" Rosa said in confusion, as she looked at the alphabets she scribbled,

"What? What is it?" I asked her.
"It reads Not Him."
"What? Are you sure?" Evelyn asked.

"Yes. No shit!" She said keeping the notepad aside and looking back at the board.
"Wait wait. Hold up. Does that mean that we are not talking to Mason? The whole time?" Wesker asked, actually exclaimed.

"I guess so. The whole time," Rosa replied.

"Okay guys back to the game!" Evelyn said grabbing everybody's attention.

"So who the hell are you?" Wesker asked.
"Its moving, note it!" Evelyn said and read the words out loud.

YOUR END. This was all it read.

"Oh god," I said keeping hand on my mouth.
"Where is Mason?" Ev asked.

The planchette didn't make a move. The environment was still, no movement.
I decided to break the silence.

"Mason? Can you hear us?" I asked, focusing hard.
The planchette moved to yes.

"Are you my uncle?" I asked.
It moved to no. Okay does that mean I don't have any uncle named as Mason? I was going to ask another question, when my phone rang.

I jumped, because it was all silent, qmd suddenly my ringtone came up.
It was mom.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Abby? Are you all okay?" She asked.

"Yes mom, we're fine. Are you guys enjoying?"

"Yes darling. I called you up, to inform that gather all your mess, we are coming tomorrow!"

"But mom, you were gonna come the day after tomorrow right? So what happened?"

"The situation here got much better, so we didn't have to stay longer,"

"Mom how about you guys go on a long drive tomorrow? And come home as planned?"

"No sweetie, we tired already! Why, are you guys doing something wrong?"

"No, no Mom. We're just watching a movie, I made us some popcorn too, we had some different plans for tomorrow, that's why I asked you,"

"Plans? With boys?"

"Oh come on, Mom. You know I won't!"

"Okay whatever. We're coming tomorrow morning. That's final."

"Okay, drive safely,"


And I hung the phone up.
"What happened?" Evelyn asked.
"Mom and dad. There coming tomorrow morning," I replied.

"What! But the plan was--"
I cut Rosa off and said, "I know," I let out an audible sigh.

"Okay. Listen. Its only a couple of hours left for morning. So a few more questions, and we clean this all up. Okay?" Evelyn said.

"Okay" we all said in unison.
It was four in the morning. My eyes felt a huge weight on them.

"Okay then, I guess we're done here. At least for now," Ev said.

"What more do you wanna know?" Darren asked her lifting his eyebrow.

"I said, for now. If anything else happens, at least we can find it out," She replied to him.
That's when I heard the door close, slowly. And trust me, it was no air. I reached for the door and pulled it back, to the magnet.

"Hey look!" Wekser said, pointing towards the starting of the staircase.

"What is it?" I asked him.
"Don't you guys see him?" He asked us.

"Look, he's right there, with a knife, heading down! And look there is something dripping off his knife!" Wesker exclaimed.

"Oh my god! Guys, Its blood!" Evelyn said in shock. I froze right there,

"Oh my gosh guys, why is he smiling at us?" I asked them as they were experiencing the same terror as I was,

"I don't know," Ev said.

"What the hell!?" Wesker yelled at her.

"I don't know! That's all!" She exclaimed back at him.

"Okay, what do we do now?" I asked.

"Guys? Guys!" Rosa exclaimed grabbing our attention. We turned around, and our eyes met a very dreadful sight.

"Darren!" All of us yelled. Darren was lying on the floor, motionless, in a pool of blood oozing from his stomach. When did this happen? We all were together, and there was nothing such drastic movement around which could cause the death of Darren.

"Holy shit, Darren wake up! Some body call the damn ambulance!" Wesker said as he shook Darren, I kept a hand on his shoulder,

"Wesker? Wesker! Stop it, he's dead!"

"How the hell!"

"Guys, I think I have an idea about who did this," Evelyn said, as she wiped a tear off,

"Is it that creepy guy which was looking at us and smiling with a freaking bloody knife?" I asked her, trying to stabilize my shaky breaths,

"Possibly," Was all she said.

"I am gonna kill that son of a--" Wesker was saying when rosa cut him off and said, "Not now, Wes!"

Then I looked back, and glanced at Darren. I felt a wave of guilt flood over me. He wouldn't have died if I hadn't called him over, this all is happening because of me. I have to find a way to fight this through, it's getting worse each second,

His blood was all over the floor, he was laying there, with his eyes half open and head tilted to the side, lifeless.


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