Lancelot: Sandstorm

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Lancelot and Isobel have been traversing the open desert for days now. Lancelot refuses to call for transport because he feels that he can't trust anyone out here. Lancelot managed to find a cave that they're now taking shelter inside. They knew a small town wasn't far north of the cave but a heavy sandstorm was underway.

"Once we find civilisation we're finding a way back to Mumbai." Isobel said, she looked exhausted and she was definitely sun burned in places but still determined to make it to the conference on time.
"Your not going anywhere near that conference, we're going to New Delhi and are taking the first plane back to London." He said aggressively.

"I can't run while this country gets involved in a war it has nothing to do with, I've already convinced the president I just need to talk to the other heads of state." She said
" If they want to send a bunch of lads to war let 'em,you did all you could." Robert said whilst Isobel began to break away from him.

"I can't Rob! Yeah I might get killed but I might not." She shouted and distanced herself even more.
" I'm not letting you take that risk." He said just shy of shouting at her .
" That's rich, how many tours did you go on again." She chuckled.
"We're not doing this now! As soon as that storm clears we're going home." He finally barked.

"I'm going to Mumbai,if you don't like it we can sign the papers and you can be with Anna,that's her name right?." She said aggressively
"What are you talking about?" He asked but he knew the answer all too well.
"Don't you dare! So did she keep the baby in the end." Her anger just continued to grow

"Well don't worry ,I'm going out there and I'm going to the bloody conference. If I end up with a bullet in the head,well you can settle down with the bitch !" She stormed off towards the cave exit.

Registan Desert Afghanistan 2005

It's been a few days since Warrant Officer Thatcher's accident which it seems like he'll make a full recovery from. But Alistair managed to convince Him along with Macalese that Henry Pine has the western worlds best interests in mind.

Thatcher didn't know much about him other than the fact he's some elusive American businessman, but Alistair wouldn't be working with him if he was a threat to Britain.

They're now working with Two FSB operatives, Anastasia Orlov and Mikhail Duskin. They were now looking for some secret project that was hidden by a KGB agen by the name Alexei Kolchek in the 80's.

Alistair,Mac and Mikhail were searching a village that Alexei was known to visit frequently, While Robert and Anastasia searched a caave Alexei called home.
Robert was told that they needed to find a list of women's names for some reason Anastasia wasn't planning on revealing.

"Any luck?" She asked. Robert didn't even know he had a thing for accents until he meet her but he seriously wished he didn't.
"No,we should head back." He said
"Why rush?" She said seductively

" I'm married." He said assertively
" Not for much longer, well that's if what you said earlier is true." She got closer to him.
"Anna cut it out." He stood his ground.
" Why do you insist on torturing yourself, you've earned a chance to be happy." She looked him in the eye and coerced his weathered cheek.

The cave

The two were both sat down about ten centimetres apart, they decided to work through their issues like adults. Isobel quickly realised leaving while the storm was going on was simply counter productive . So they're stuck with each other.

"How'd you know ?" He asked.
"She called, but she didn't know you were put in a medically induced coma." She answered still not looking at him.

"Why'd you do it ?" She asked, Lancelot paused for a moment and thought about his answer.
" Remember when I told you that was the last time and after that tour I'd try life on civie street.... I couldn't Belle, not really... Maybe it's that Skinarian conditioning you keep harping on about...Look I did it because I knew as soon as I said I couldn't stop we'd be  finished, and then she comes along a fighter like me with no intention of slowing down." The words finally came out. As the saying goes 'the truth shall set you free'.But as far as Lancelot was concerned that's bullshit,the truth made him feel like shit.

She just nodded but still refusing to look at him.
"Why'd you stay ?" He asked staring at the wall in front of him.
" I thought about leaving...a lot, But seeing the state you were heart sank, I knew what you did but I couldn't bear the thought of losing you on that operating table. So when they sent you home I looked after you,there were times I wanted to shove the fork in your eye while I feed you but I guess I learned to forgive you." She glanced at him for a second but quickly turns to the wall in front of her.

15 minutes later

"Did you kill Diana and don't give me that 'it's classified' bullshit." She said bluntly.
"Yeah,yeah I did... Me and three other guys from the regiment." He replied bluntly.
"Why ? She wasn't a threat to anybody." Isobel still looking at the wall.

" We didn't know what the reason was though we just had to follow orders. We'll you believe God always punishes the guilty in the end right, I haven't got a religious bone in my body but two of the guys are dead. It's just me and Mac now, maybe your right about it all but If something is watching me up there I'd rather they made it quick."

The two sat in silence occasionally glancing at the exit that was blocked off by the storm.

"You ever wonder what would be different if Sam made it, I'm not going to say life would be any easier but...I'd do anything to see him grow up." He said looking at the ground. Sam was the name given to their infant son that died shortly before Lancelot's last tour. They've tried many times before that but most didn't make it to child birth. Sam died a weak after he was born.

"Me too,when I held him something lit up inside me,I felt like life would change but I guess that's God's way of saying I'm not meant to be a mother." She started to tear up.
Lancelot grabbed her and held her tight.

"Respectfully God can go fuck himself,you would've been a great mum,definitely better than the one I had." He brought her head into his chest as she sobbed.

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