Sophia: The Maker

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Safe house Juliet.


The two naked beats were at it again,wreaking the small bedroom in the process. Jacob manages to throw Sophia over his shoulder and on to the bed. He leaps on top of her and grabs both her wrists.

She gritts her teeth and wraps her legs around his torso and begins to crush his ribbs like a beer can. She gains some leverage and sits on his face for a second but he tosses her on the floor and starts giving her a spanking.

"Harder you little bitch !" She barked
He tried to thrust into her backdoor but she rolls onto her back and flips back onto her feet and pounces on him like a Tiger and rides him like a cowgirl with her hands round his neck.She couldn't decide if him being indide her made her nipples hard or if it was the sound of him struggle to breathe.

She saw many different faces flash before her eyes,many men who've been at her mercy. But one who had the ghostly blue eyes was staring back at her intensely and all her dominance disappeared.

"C'mon you bastard." She said staring at him with a dark aggression trying to get a grip. He grabs her throat and gets back on top.
"Is this how you like it you twisted bitch? " He was grinning at her but she could see a killer rage in his eyes. He pulled out only turned her over again and began thrusting into her backdoor.

She's never let anyone go through there before she'd snap their neck usually,it felt alien to her.But then again no one has matched her in the bedroom before so maybe he's earned it,besides snapping necks has become dull lately.

The pair layed next to each other breathing heavily. This battle for dominance has seemed to have ended in a stalemate.

"Wanna go again?" Sophia turned towards him with a large grin.
"Oh fuck off." Jacob chuckled but laughing was certainly painful.
"Aww You've got a boo boo." She said teasingly.
" Last time I checked I got even." He said admiring her body as she got out of bed.

"Check again." She twirled and smiled and to Jacob's surprise the bruises have all but disapeared. She leaned in to kiss him but pulled away at the last second.
"You bitch." He smiled

She went into the bathroom to get the painkillers from the cabinet for Jacob. She also took another set of pills out so she didn't forget to take them In the morning. That was certainly strange for her,it's like she living a twisted revenge fantasy. But the fact she was thinking of The Maker during sex dawned on her.

2010 The Church

The man that had taken Sophia to this large church in the middle of a rainforest was arguing with a women in her office. She didn't know what was being said though,they spoke in a tongue she was unfamiliar with.

Whilst twiddling her thumbs she saw two girls about her age in white turtle necks/cargo pants look at her as if she was a turd planted in the middle of the room by a dog.

She tried not to make eye contact but she could feel now feel mild tension in her chest. as the two girls walked away she couldn't help but admire their blonde hair done in a pretty braid flung over the shoulder.

"Stop staring,your hair will be braided also." A woman with a powerful voice said sharply behind her, she spoke in a British RP accent and her voice was almost as deep as the man who brought her here . 

She turned around and saw a rather tall woman tower over her wearing a jet black varient of what the girls were wearing.
scowled at her with her only good eye. She was a monster of a woman,easily 6'1 and her shoulders were broad.her face was long and her jaw was strong. Her arms were far more impressive than any woman she'd ever known,she may even be able to rip a man's head off.

"Please tell this one speaks English,I don't have time for whatever savage tongue the child speaks." The woman said with her hands behind her back.
"She knows enough to get by,Samantha she's like the others and like you" The man said in his Russian accent whilst looking at Sophia with his ghostly blue eyes. He then said something in the language she couldn't understand.

Over the coming months Sophia would learn this church was not a place of worship but rather a school, a school that turns little girls into trained killers but a school none the less. Students at this school are referred to as Brides who wear all white and become Widows when they complete their training.

She didn't exactly fit in with the others being from a third world country,so she was always weary of the other Brides never know when one of them might try and slit her throat while she sleeps.

It's not like that sort of thing is frowned upon if anything it's encouraged,Samantha and The Maker tell them only the strongest will survive and the weak deserve to die.
But Sophia was far from the weakest,she was the primary target of attempted murder at night though. All the other girls were Russian like the Maker and they'd make sure they only spoke Russian so planning to kill her would be easier.

So there she layed on her rock hard mattress surrounded by Barbie's that all want her dead. She kept one eye open and made sure it was squinted so no one would know.  She saw three Brides get out of bed slowly with knives they snuck in from the training yard, all three of them were as light on their feet as cats but they wouldn't be taking Sophia by surprise.

She learned a long time ago going to bed unarmed is a mistake she couldn't afford to make. She had her knife under the duvet waiting for the Barbies to strike. All three of them had surrounded her bedside and were ready to stab her to death.

Sophia flipped backwards out of bed with kinife in hand she charges the others like a tiger the one she pounced on was turned into Swiss cheese in a matter of seconds,she was so fast her victim could hardly let out a audible scream. the blood splattered all over Sophia's white turtle neck. The others were a far greater challenge. The other Brides simply looked at the thunderous bloodbath that was underway from the comfort of their duvets.

All three girls were dodging knife strikes with extreme grace and speed,they all knew it wouldn't take a lot for their lives to end. One girl lundged in with a heavy stab and Sophia found a opening and used it to stick her blade in her eye. The girl screamed her head off her other eye opened wide and her jaw dropped before her body followed suit. Before Sophia could pull the Knife out she was forced to evade the strikes of Vera who was out for blood.

She'd seen bones in a single punch,even though all the girls here were born with the ability to do such things Vera was able to reduce bones to dust once she really got going.
Vera had Sophia against the wall and she launched one final strike with her blade but then ....Vera felt a firm grip and she was controlled to the floor by precise force. The Maker stared Sophia down,the message was clear as day ,get back to bed.

Safe house Juliet 2024

She layed in bed under his arm trying to forgetting the mission for one night. She was completely defenceless right now, butt naked and no weapon within reach. She can't trust anyone especially the men in her life. Her head moved around a little until it found a knife she placed under her pillow without realising. She finally closed her eyes and started to relax,well at least a little.

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