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This one is easy - INTERACT! Don't be invisible or hide in the corner waiting. Get out there and make it happen. Find the official profiles your interested in like: Romance, Fiction, Fantasy, Action, Poetry, Chicklit, Horror, Nonfiction (you get the idea) follow them, leave a message on the board introducing yourself and let people know you're here. READ - reading and commenting on stories you love not only makes the author swoon, it's a way to meet someone who shares an interest you do. That's how some of my best friendships here started. WRITE- if you aren't sure where to start - make it easy by starting with your profile blurb. Let people who cross your path know who you are - goals, dreams, experience, likes, fandoms, those things are all ways people can get an idea of who you are. It doesn't have to be an Epic monologue - just be who you are.

The best thing about Wattpad is its people. Everyone from HQ, to Stars, to Ambassadors, to people who are finding it for the very first moment. They are what makes it work, and that includes you. Each interaction makes a connection and that's when it stops becoming a reading and writing site and starts becoming where you feel at home.

My experiences here have changed my life. I've been published, I've traveled to WattCon's and met people that I totally fangirled over, and I've even been top ten in a television contest! But my greatest experience by far is that every day I have a community of people that make my life brighter, better, and just plain happier. They're the people I choose to spend my free time with and the people I message instantly when things go amazingly right or horribly wrong. They just "get" me because whether they're in my country or on the other side of the planet, we're friends all connected by Wattpad.

So, welcome to Wattpad! Buckle up, because it's one heck of a ride. Enjoy every moment of it starting with this one. Be bold, wander the halls and when you find something you like - take that first step and say hello. I'm @tamoja and I can't wait to meet you. The W on my profile means I work with the Ambassadors and am there to help. Stop by anytime with questions, comments, or just to chat. My profile, like Wattapad, is always open. :)

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