Feedback from the Community

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It's hard to give advice because no two writers go about it the same way. The best advice I can give is: write a story you're passionate about. If you love your story, it will shine through your writing.

As much as you love to write, if you're using Wattpad, you probably want readers. To gain a loyal readership you have to update frequently. Don't hold your readers hostage. If you write cliffhangers, you can't just leave them out there to never be resolved! Give your readers updates. The rule I set for myself was a new chapter every two or three days until the book was finished. That pace might not work for everyone, so find one that works for you and stick to it.

With that said, take the time to edit before posting. It's hard to ask readers to keep coming back when your chapters are riddled with errors and typos. Spend some time going over your work. Reading the chapter out loud or going over the paragraphs backwards (reading the last sentence first) can be really helpful for finding errors or missed words. One of the hardest tasks in writing is asking other people to look over your work, but if it helps the story, it's worth it.

A part of loving your story is being open to making it better. Take advantage of Wattpad's writer community and visit the Clubs. The Help Desk's "Critique Classifieds" is an absolute must for writers looking to improve their stories and technique. It gives writers the chance to figure out their flaws (which we all have) and learn from them. Not only will you have the opportunity to get a different perspective on your story, you will also have to practice using your own critical eye as you analyze other peoples' works. Being able to critique is just as crucial as receiving critique. It will teach you how to dissect a story thematically and grammatically. It will also help you to spot imperfections in plot and character development.

Most important advice of all: Just keep writing.


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