Chapter 5.3

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I stared at John for a split second, while I tried to process his words. Then it was all action. Pushing John to the side, I started another portal, this one to the first place I could think of that would be safe.

"Everyone goes through," I said, feeling the magic take root on the other side. The portal opened again, this time showing the house I'd grown up in, perched on top of the Stanwood mountain, way up in the Blue Ridge mountains. "Grab what you can quickly and go."

"Where is that?" Tessa asked, hefting up one of her own bags they'd left by the front door.

"My parent's house," I said, stepping to the side. "You'll be safe there until I get back to you."

That brought Avery to a halt. "You're not coming with us?"

I shook my head and tried not to focus on the fear in her eyes. "No, I've got to get something out of the office."

"Then let's get it together," she pleaded.

"There's no time for this!" John all but yelled, frantic. "We've got to go."

"I don't have a choice," I said, staring into Avery gaze. "I have to get these. You're the only one I trust to keep them safe. I'll be right behind you."

John sighed, and stepped around to my side. "We'll be right behind you," he corrected. "I won't leave him, but we've got to get out of here as fast as we can. I don't know how much time we have. Just that they're coming tonight."

Hunter and the twins stood ready behind Avery. Through the portal, I saw the porch light come on and my dad opened the front door.

"Go," I urged.

Avery hesitated a moment more, then nodded at me before turning and stepping into the portal with Anissa and Tessa right on her heels.

"Stay safe, and hurry," Hunter said, and followed.

I closed the portal as soon as he'd cleared it and turned for the stairs.

Taking the steps two at a time, I made it to the second-floor hallway with John right behind me. With a flash of lightning, the power in the house went out. But as another bolt flickered right after the last, I caught sight of an out-of-place shadow. Someone was already in the office.

I stopped halfway down the hall. Glancing back at John, I put a finger to my lips. Easing forward again, I called Kastem forth with my Talent, using a bit more power to summon him without the circle. I didn't want to give away our element of surprise. The demon was instantly alert, focused on what lay ahead of us.

Moving toward the office door, I held a hand up and motioned for John to stay in the hall as another flash of lightning lit the house. The rain started then, pounding the siding and the roof like the floodgates had been opened.

"Oh, brother mine, I know you're out there."

I bit back a curse and slowly stepped into the office to find Liam running a hand along one of the bookshelves. He was dressed in black cargo pants, boots, and a dark, skin-tight long-sleeved shirt. The window behind the desk was open, the rain splashing in as it hit the sill. Lightning and thunder crashed again, the harsh shadows catching the scars on the side of Liam's face, making them seem worse than they were.

He hadn't changed in the long months since I'd last seen him, and yet, everything else had.

"Where have you been?" I asked. Kastem moved in front of me, the demon planting himself between Liam and me like he didn't entirely trust him. I couldn't blame him. I didn't either.

"Where do you think I've been, Ezra?" My brother turned, giving me a harsh look. "I've been out on the front lines, working with someone who's actually doing something to end this war!"

I fought against the tightness in my chest. "Nathan's been working with the Witches, too."

"Please," Liam interrupted, starting to pace. "He's using them against themselves. He's manipulating them, and he's been doing it for years. Nathan has it all planned out, and we're so close to the end, Ezra. He could really do it. He could make this world safe for us again."

"This isn't right." Shaking my head, I glanced away. "Nathan's way isn't the solution, killing more people isn't the right way to do anything!"

"Then what is?" Liam shouted. He moved forward, and I stepped back without thinking, even though Kastem's growl was enough to stop him from getting close.

I ignored his question. It was obvious that he wasn't going to see things straight. "Why are you here, anyway?"

Liam focused on me, a pleading expression on his face. "Come with me," he said. "Help us."

"Help you? Nathan is the one who killed the Reinhardts. He killed my family! He killed Poe!" I took a deep breath. "If you think I'm going to help that sick bastard, you've got it wrong."

"That's too bad," Liam said, reaching behind him. "I hate that it has to be this way, Ezra. I really do."

The next thing I knew, John dove in front of me from the shadows of the hall. He crumpled to the floor, grabbing his left arm with a gasp of pain. Kastem jumped for Liam in the same moment, growling and gnashing his teeth. Liam avoided the demon and dived for the open window, perching on the ledge as he glanced back at us.

"Looks like you've got some company," he said. "I'll be sure to tell Mom and Dad 'hi' for you. You're going to be busy for a while."

Then he was gone, out the window as if we weren't on the second floor.

But I didn't have time to contemplate his method of escape. Over the noise of the rain, I heard the front door burst open downstairs.

Sending Kastem to guard the door to the hallway, I started to kneel next to John, but he waved me off.

"Grab what you need," he said through clenched teeth.

I rushed behind the desk to pull up the floorboards. The safe was there, intact. I spun the combination in and winced at the brief spark of power it required to open. I grabbed only two things before locking it all up and replacing the floor: the pouch of pendants and Poe's journal.

Kastem started to growl in warning. I could feel the strength of the witches' power coming up the stairs. I shoved the velvet bag into my back pocket and clamped the book under my arm, then turned to open a portal home. It took a moment longer than it should have. Focusing was becoming an issue, and the fact that this was the third portal in less than an hour didn't help either.

As the portal connected, I caught sight of Avery and Hunter waiting on my parent's porch. I stooped down and grabbed John's arm to hoist him up. He tried to help, getting his feet under him to take most of his weight. He wavered, though, unable to keep his balance. I tightened my grip on him.

"Come on," I called to Kastem, urging the demon to follow us as I stepped into the portal with John. 


Happy Holidays Everyone! 

The next section, Chp 6.1,  will be updated on Wednesday, 12/26!

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