Chapter 10.1

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I was floating in a sea of darkness. Nothing but the ghost of pain lingering faintly in the distance. Shifting cloth and the shuffling of feet came and went. The whispering of voices that I couldn't quite hear. I couldn't move, even to turn my head to the side. I fought against the weight that seemed to hold me in place, but nothing came of it.

Was this it? Would I be trapped like this forever? I swallowed, my body beginning to shake with panic. This couldn't be it.

A hand pressed into one shoulder, then a face came into my vision. But I had to be dreaming, he couldn't have been here. Poe's dark hair fell forward as he leaned across me to place his other hand against my far shoulder. The pressure was calming, but I couldn't stop the tremors.

"John," Poe's voice was almost the same, the difference was that it was kinder, softer than he usually spoke to me. His face wavered in my vision, and I closed my eyes against the tears that slipped free.

"John, focus on me, son. They can't fix the damage, not completely."

My heart froze, my eyes squeezing together tighter. I knew this would happen. Deep down, I know there wouldn't be a fix for this.

"Open your eyes, look at me." Poe's voice was urgent, his grip almost pinching my shoulders. When I looked up at him, his face hardened, an expression I was more familiar with from him. "John, there is something that I can do," he paused, glancing away for a moment. "But it won't be the same. The power will be harder to control, harder to use. It'll be your own, but there will also be a cost to using it. Do you want me to-"

"Yes." Hope soared in me, even with the warnings. Anything to not be powerless, to still be able to defend myself and the others. To help them.

"Are you sure?" Poe's voice was grave, his expression as serious as ever. "You don't have any questions about it?"

I closed my eyes again and took a deep, shaking breath. "I can't be a burden to them."

Poe's body shifted above mine and I opened my eyes to see that he'd bowed his head over me. "You're alright, for a Witch." The words were whispered, and I nearly missed them over the sound of my own pounding heartbeat.

"Brace yourself, John. This won't be any easier than earlier."

Poe moved away from me, and I took another deep breath. But this time I had a purpose. This time I was sure of how I was going to come out the other side. This time, it would work.

I thought briefly about Poe's presence and how Ezra would react to seeing Poe again. What was he doing here? How had he escaped death?

There was more movement and muttering of voices as I was surrounded again by the monks. Hands lifted me from the stone table and I was carried from the room. Which was probably a good thing, I doubt I could've walked anywhere on my own.

Poe appeared on the edge of my vision as the ceiling continued to move.

"Where are we going?" My words came out rougher than I would have liked, my throat raw.

Poe's dark eyes darted to over at me. "We need to be deeper in the mountain for this. Just focus on your breathing and rest. Get as calm and centered as possible."

I did as he said, though the trip was short. Before I knew it, the swaying movement came to a stop. Words were exchanged in hushed whispers over the sound of dripping water. Opening my eyes, I couldn't see much but a soft, steady glow that lit up the ceiling of a different cave. This one was rougher cut, or maybe not even cut at all. It looked natural.

The monks lowered me down to the ground at the edge of a small pool that was the source of the glow in the room, a soft silvery blue that reminded me of twilight and the first appearance of stars at night. A monk knelt next to me, and I turned away from the water to focus on her. Amna's long hair framed her face as she leaned forward.

"You must go into the waters. Is there anything you wear you wish not to get wet?"

Shaking my head, the sound of splashing water caught my attention. Poe had eased into the pool. It must have been deeper than I realized as the water came up to his shoulders, soaking through the robes he wore. Poe waded over to the edge closest to me, the expression in his eyes serious.

"It's time now."

He reached for me and at the same time, the monks lifted me from the other side. Between them, I was lifted just over the lip of the pool and settled in the water. I expected the water to be bitterly cold this deep in the mountain, but instead, it was uncomfortably warm.

"Just relax and float on the top of the water," Poe said, pulling me toward the center of the pool.

I centered myself, trying to keep afloat and steady in the water. The monks circled the pool and started chanting, low enough that it didn't echo in the cave.

Poe bowed his head slightly, his eyes closing as he started to chant as well. His words were different from the monks though, a counterpoint to the monks.

The light intensified, brightening until I had to close my eyes against it. And despite how warm the water was, a cold sensation washed through my body causing me to shiver. Poe's hand pressed on my bare chest.

Looking up at him, his eyes reflected the blue glow from the water, almost as if they were glowing as well. Poe's chanting died off, while the monks around us continued.

"Deep breath," was the only warning I got as Poe pushed me below the surface. I fought done the panic and forced myself to be still as I sank lower. I kept expecting to reach the bottom but never did. Slowly, all feeling slipped away. I could barely feel the water or Poe's hand.

It was just me, surrounded by nothing but light.

Focus, inward.

The thought wasn't my own, I didn't recognize it. But inside me, at my core, my magic slept wrapped in ugly black vines. The bright light shot through my skin, burning the vines away as it traced white-hot designs all over my body.

I fought back a scream and lost, releasing my last breath as darkness took over. 


A day late! I'm very sorry about that y'all! 

Big news! 

Legacy of the Necromancer has been edited and is being published on March 1st! Join my newsletter or watch out for my upcoming announcements to purchase your own copy! 

To celebrate, I'm going to give away 3 ebook copies of Legacy! How to enter:+Use Wattpad's Quote feature to share your favorite Legacy of the Necromancer quote+Share the quote to either twitter or Instagram!+And tell me what you love about the story!+Be sure to tag me, on both platforms, to have your entry count!Since it's ebooks, this is open worldwide! You may enter as many times as you'd like as long as each quote is different! Contest closes at 11 pm EST on 2/23 and I will randomly select 3 winners and announce them on 2/24!

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