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Edens POV*

We are in Wellington, Ohio. Sam is in the bathroom while Dean and I are sitting on the bed watching Dr. Sexy M.D. Sam finally walked out. "What are you watching?" Sam asked. "Some hospital show. Dr. Sexy M.D. I think it's based on a book." Dean replied. Sam laughed, "When did you hit menopause?" "Eden wanted to watch it" Dean said defensively. "You were watching it when I woke up, dean" I laughed. He sent me a look but I just smiled at him. "ready?"

We figured out it was a trickster... I HATE PAGANS. They are just copy cats taking credit for MY garden. "I've been wanting to gank that mother since mystery spot." I was very confused. What the hell happened in Mystery Spot. "What if we talked to him... He could help us with the Apocalypse business" Sam suggested. Okay apparently one god isn't enough cause sam and dean say we could use the Pagan too. 

We heard over the Police Radio something that sounds like trickster. We went to the old paper mill. But no cops. nobody. This looks Crappy. We went in the door but when we looked around we were in... a hospital? nurses scurried around us. Sam, Dean, and I were all dressed like doctors. WHAT THE HELL? "Doctor" a few nurses said in passing. "Doctor?" Sam asked. The door we came through was now just a closet. What is happening? A doctor then walked up to us and smacked Sam across the face. "Ow What?" "Seriously? You are brilliant you know that... and a coward... a brilliant coward." "Uh What are you talking about." Then she smacked him again, "As if you don't know." She walked away. She looked super familiar. "I don't believe it that was doctor piccolo... Dr. Ellen piccolo the sexy yet ernest doctor at...Seattle mercy Hospital!" Dean said. Oh my Dad that's why she looks so familiar. "What are you saying?" Sam asked. "The doctor get ups, the Hospital, the seriouslys... We are in doctor Sexy M.D." I answered for Dean.  "Dude what the Hell?" Dean said. "I don't know" Sam replied "No seriously What the hell." "Seriously I don't know" "A theory anything!" "Fine... Trickster zapped us into TV Land." "That's stupid." "Hey You're the one who said were in Dr. Sexy M.D." "Guys...." I finally cut it. "What?" they both said at the same time. "It's him it's doctor sexy" I said. Dr. Sexy was walking straight at us. "Doctor" He said to each of us. He winked at me then turned all his attention to Dean. "You wanna give me one reason you didn't perform that experimental face transplant?" Dr. Sexy whispered angrily at Dean. "ah-uh One reason sure......." He pinned Dr. Sexy to the wall. "you're not Dr. Sexy." "Your crazy" Dr Sexy said. "Really cause i thought part of what makes Dr. sexy, sexy is that fact that he wears cowboy boots." Sam laughed "Yeah your not a fan" Dean replied, "It's a guilty pleasure." Dr. sexy looked at a nurse "Call security." "Yeah go ahead pal. See cause we know what you are..." Just as dean said it everyone froze. Sam, Dean, and I looked around confused. Then Dr. Sexy morphed into the trickster. "You guys are getting better!" The trickster smiled. "Get us the hell out of here" Dean said. "Or what? Don't see you wooden stakes big guy." The trickster pushed dean off of him and patting his shoulder. "That was you on the police scanner...This is a trick." Sam snarled. "heeeellllloooooooo..... trickster." He said pointing to himself. "I heard you two yahoos were in town. How could I resist. You like this. Its all home made. my own sets. my own actors. just call it my own little idiot box." He said spinning around. "How do we get out?" I asked. "There we go gorgeous... the 64 dollar question." The trickster smiled at me. He seemed so familiar but I had no idea why. "whatever we just need to talk to you." Sam said. "MMMMHHH Let me guess you two mutton heads broke the world and you want me to sweep up your mess... I'll tell you what survive the next 24 hours in here and we'll talk." The trickster announced. "Survive what?" Dean Asked. I answered before the trickster. "The game Dean-o... We're in it. He wants us to learn something." The trickster smiled at me, "Finally a smart one... How'd you end up with these chuckle-heads?" "How do we play?" Dean asked taking half a step in front of me, "You're playing it." He replied. "What are the rules?!" Dean asked getting more and more frustrated. Rather than respond the trickster vanished. Crap. 

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