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Blake Rose

I hate it here, we all do we don't matter to these people. We are just an experiment just waiting to be perfected.

"Number 1 please put your book down." Grunted the Oldest doctor her Dr. Jamerson.

I rolled my eyes but didn't move.

"Number 1 put down the book at once!" Dr. Jamerson boomed.

My hands began to turn red as they heated.

"This is not the time to show off your Pyrokinesis ability. Follow instruction immediately or I'll place you in the Ice room." He spoke but my hands did not cool.

"Listen here asshole, I came here to read my book and that's what I going to do. I'm not hungry nor am I tired. Now leave me alone!" I slammed my book on the table beside me and both my hands covered in flames.

"Honestly bud why do you anger her? She could toast you like a marshmallow." Xander Benson also know as Number 4 joked.

Xander was my best friend, he knew how to made the doctors leave me alone. Yes he only ever pointed out the obvious to them. His personality was so likable that they seemed to back off immediately. Xander is average-height with pale skin, black hair and brown eyes. The powers he was given was Psychokinesis, or telekinesis. Psychokinesis is an psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction. An easier explanation would be he can manipulated stuff with his mind.

I watched Xander snatch my book off the table with his powers as my powers faded away.

"One day I will toast that man." I laughed imaging burning the doctors here.

It was about lunch time so Xander and I headed to the dinning area. It was small with tile floor and white walls. We lived in a lab, so everything was white tiles and white walls. Doctor Malinda McKenna would bring us books, movies, and magazines when she was allowed. She always sat with Dr. Samuel David, Dr. Hannah Mathews, and Dr. Kevin Stevens. All in their late thirties they were nicest of the doctors.

"Hello Blake, Hello Xander." Dr. McKenna said as she smiled brightly.

"Hey Doc. Got any new books for me?" I asked clutching book behind me.

"I will tomorrow heading to the library this evening." She said as I nodded and headed to the area where my group tended to sit.

Xander and I found Ben Webster, Kara Snow and Cleo Carson at a small table.

We didn't always eat here, we only met each other a year ago. Division X thought studying us while we were isolated would be more promising than in the environment we are in now. We haven't know each other long but we became family very quickly.

"Blake! I really need to talk to you" Kara quietly and she tugged me to a corner where the doctors couldn't hear us. Kara has Precognition also called prescience, future vision, future sight is a c psychic ability to see events in the future

"What is it Kara?" I asked trying look like were not discussing something important.

"I saw something but I cant talk about it here. You know the place without cameras and I hope no microphones?" She laughed randomly trying to make our conversation look light-hearted.

"Okay I'll meet you there." I laughed heading back to the table.

We ate at the table and chatted about books. We didn't have many forms of entertainment here so our conversations were repetitive. Although it was repetitive it was better to talk to other people than being trapped in a room with no windows.

I left my friends at the table and went to meet Kara in the old staircase. We found this place a few days after we all met but only three of us know about it. I wasn't supposed to meet her till two but this was a place I liked to read. After lunch most of the doctors went on their breaks or just left the building. So it was a nice place to be left alone. It was a good place to hide.

I slid through the small opening and was shocked to see who was sitting on the stairwell.

"Jac?" I gawked.

"Oh its you." He looked me over from head to toe.

"where you expecting someone else? A ghost maybe?" I asked

"I was told by I guess a "ghost" to come here." He stated as if he had something better to do.

"Sorry to disappoint" I said taking a seat.

Jac Bolton's has the ability of Evocation. Evocation is the act of calling upon or summoning a spirit, demon, deity or other supernatural agent. So basically he can talk to the dead. He was one of the only teenagers here id never really talked to. Someone once told me that his mom was not kidnapped but a doctor who used to work here.

"I just came to read my book." I mumbled flipping to wear I had folded the page.

"We can wait for Kara together then." He said taking out a pad of paper and began to draw something.

Why are you here?

Descendants of FireOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora