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Division X

The woman were taken to different labs across the country. Bethany Rose, Danielle Bolton, Jessica Snow, Sasha Webster, Miranda Carson and Mary Benson. Were grouped together but once they entered the lab they were never to see each other again. Their babies were taken as soon as they were born. Each Woman was injected with Chemicals of all kinds, all the chemicals reacted to their genes differently.

These women were poked and prodded at every moment of the day. In the end each woman was killed chopped up and burned. 

Their children became the first successful group to obtain abilities from the chemicals that were injected into the mothers bodies. This group is called Project Chaos. Each woman went crazy from the chemicals that were injected. The mothers bodies absorbed the chemicals and they to got the same abilities as their children. Although the mothers got the same abilities as their children, the mothers went insane. Each died from their own abilities, Bethany Rose burned alive from her own fire, Danielle Bolton was convinced she was hallucinating and killed herself. Jessica Snow also suffered from insanity, she couldn't handle the visions she got and that fact that her baby was taken from her. Sasha Webster was shot and killed while she had half transformed into a lion. While she tried to attack a guard when she tried to escape. Miranda Carson was killed when she tried to convince a lonely Scientist to let her escape. Lastly Mary Benson killed herself by crushing her own skull with her mind. No one could figure out how she did it.

All the mothers of Project Chaos tried at some point to escape and will do anything to try and help their children. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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