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Kara Snow

Shuffling from behind the boards caused both Jac and I to stiffen. Kara poked her head through the staircase opening.

"Jac good you're here." She said quietly.

"Uh yeah my mom told me..." he mumbled.

Jac's mom had died in childbirth. I knew this because I often eavesdrop on the doctors conversations before they notice I'm there. Although Danielle Bolton was a willing participant in Division X's project didn't mean she would survive it.

"What is it Kara? We don't have a lot of time." I stated looking down at my book.

"We need to get out of here, the scientist are planning something big and if its not a success they are going to kill us all" she said

"What?" Jac and I said in unison.

"Last night I had a vision when I was speaking to the shrink. I saw papers scattered on a desk. There were two men and one said if the project didn't go well it should be terminated. We Will Be Terminated!" she raised her voice just as I covered her mouth.

"After seventeen years they are just gonna fucking kill us?" Jac growled

"Was that all you saw Kara?" I asked trying not to get as angry as Jac obviously was.

"Yes and no... We need him to get out of here." She nodded towards Jac as if afraid he would say no.

Jac ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair. For a guy who seemed to hate us all we really did need his help to get out of here.

We headed back to our rooms. Kara had said the ideal time to escape would be before the last test. They couldn't kill us if we managed to escape.

We have never met the head Scientist of Division X but the description of the two men that Kara said didn't seem familiar in either. I doubt he came anywhere near here. I once over heard our group was the most dangerous. A fire wielder, a necromancer, a shapeshifter, a psychic and an Empath,lastly a mind manipulator. Once our abilities fully matured we would be able to take any obstacle down. We already had the training to be murderous psychopaths.

I had the ability to burn this building to the ground but the likelihood of my friends surviving was none existent.

We had to come up with a plan that would ensure all of our safety and it had to be fast. None of us had seen the outside world. All the light in here was artificial so the ideal time to leave would be nightfall. There wasn't any clocks in dining area so we had to plan based off a watch I had stolen from Dr. David. He didn't notice when his things went missing because in all honesty the man was a mess. He tried so hard but failed to clean up his act. I heard they were going to fire him at some point and by fire I mean kill. There was no way they would let anyone live outside the organization who was no longer a part of it live. They killed reporters I doubt they would have an issue with killing their own.

These people are monsters, they killed and kidnapped so may innocent people. Division X has to be stopped and the only way to do that was to run. If we managed to escape we will not only mess with their insane experiment; we may be able to inform the police of what was going on here. I remembered reading detective books that Dr. McKenna gave me. Maybe she was subtly giving me ideas on who to go to if I ever managed to leave this place.

Can you help us Dr. McKenna?

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