Chapter 12

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"Ryker, I will remind you of your right to legal representation," I said. "I will also remind you that you are not under arrest and may leave at any time."

He nodded, his expression dark.

"Why have we just discovered a boot knife at your workshop?"

We were sitting in an interview room at the police station. Dixon had video-called Cassia, and they were currently comparing the blade to the wounds that had been inflicted on both victims. If it matched the length and design of the murder weapon -- and I already knew it was close -- it would be sent away to be analysed for blood, DNA, fibres...anything that could link Ryker to the crimes.

He shrugged. "You know they also call it a gambler's dagger? I got it after the fight outside Victory Casino. But in the end, I decided not to cause any more trouble with the law. I've never carried it on me."

Carrying fixed-blade knives was illegal.

"Where were you on Monday 26th December between eight and ten at night?" I asked.

He sighed. "We've already been through this. Victory Casino."

"The man who owns it says you weren't there. He doesn't know you."

"That's exactly what I told you he'd say. Look, if Felix was open with the police, you'd be storming the place all the time. Fights break out, knives are pulled, drugs are dealt, people are sexually harassed. But if it happens on the premises, it doesn't get reported. That's the rule. He probably thought admitting I was there would get him into trouble for something."

"You're lying," Alex said. "You weren't there. We know Zoe Ackerman jilted you...and your criminal record testifies to your violent streak."

"This again." Ryker sighed. "I was acting in self-defence."

"That's not the way the court saw it. You were sentenced for ABH."

"The guy came at me with a knife. I didn't just want him to go down -- I wanted him to stay down. For my safety."

"Then he shot you," I murmured.

Alex glanced at me. I looked away and sipped the water I'd brought in. Ryker's past was too closely linked to my own, and it made me uncomfortable.

Ryker flexed his metal hand. "Yeah. Another punishment on top of everything else."

"Then when Harley Ackerman was born, it was the final straw," Alex said.

Ryker looked up. "What?"

"Jealous and angry, you took the chance to kill Zoe Ackerman when you saw her approaching your shop. Then Bryony found the knife. Maybe she threatened to turn you in. You silenced her."

There was something I didn't like about the knife. We'd asked Ryker for permission to search his premises hours ago. He'd been given plenty of time to hide the blade while we'd been waiting for the warrant, but he hadn't worried about it. He possibly hadn't even thought about it.

It hadn't been significant to him.

He was glaring at Alex now, but his mouth was slack. "Why do you think that? I was never jealous of Zoe and Maxx -- or their damn baby! I was only..."

"Betrayed," Alex finished. "So, let's go back to Bryony. What was your relationship with her outside of work?"

"There wasn't one." Ryker's gaze drifted to me, and he added without malice, "Inspector, you're quiet."

Alex looked at me again.

I was about to take back control of my interview when someone knocked on the door. It opened, and Dixon stuck his head in. "Can I have a word?"

Inspector RamesWhere stories live. Discover now