Chapter 14

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"It's Gem." I stabbed the video-call button for the tenth time as I paced our office. "It has to be Gem."

"Yes," Alex said calmly. He was perched on the edge of his desk, his own tabphone in hand. "It's Gem. But Dixon's dispatched PRBs to her flat. She'll be fine."

"Then why isn't she picking up?" My voice rose, and I took a deep breath, trying to level it out again. I had to remind myself that I was a detective inspector and not a shrieking parrot. "Have you tracked where the message came from?"

"A tablet in Socrico Library."

My call to Gem rang out.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, pick up!" I slammed my fist into the glass desk, and there was a satisfying crack.

Alex flinched. "Amber -- "

My tabphone buzzed. I extracted my bleeding knuckles from the glass cobweb and answered the incoming call. "Gem! Finally."

She beamed on my screen, hot pink hair let loose from its pigtails and arranged so that it hid most of the bruising around her neck. "Hi, Amber. I only just got in. The policeman said he could take my statement at the scene, but then I had to persuade my boss to let me come home early. He was surprised when I asked -- the cheek! And -- "

"Gem, listen very carefully," I said. "Your life is in danger."

Her smile fell. "What?"

"Your robot saved you this morning, but Maxx Ackerman isn't giving up. He killed Zoe, he killed Bryony, and now he's coming after you. PRBs are on their way to your flat right now, and I'll come to guard you personally as soon as I'm done here."

"I'll come, too," Alex said softly.

"He shouldn't try anything until tonight," I continued, "but don't leave home, just in case. You can't let yourself be caught alone."

"But my boss wants me to go back to The Silver Star later -- "

"Call in sick. Do not leave your flat. If you leave your flat, you'll leave our protection. Am I clear?"

She gulped. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now, sit tight and try not to worry. You'll be safe inside."


By the time the lights had turned off and we'd finished work, we still hadn't located Maxx. Alex and I walked to Gem's flat, situated near The Silver Star, in silence. A handful of PRBs were standing outside the building, and we found two more when we reached the entrance to her home.

I rang the doorbell, and the camera gave me automatic access. But Gem must have been standing right on the other side, because she opened it herself. "Amber!"

"Hello." I tried to smile and failed miserably. "You can relax now. You officially have six robots and two humans guarding you."

Her shoulders sagged. "I'm honoured. Come in."

She stepped aside, and we squeezed past her into the narrow hallway. Another PRB was lingering there.

Once Gem had shut the door, I said, "Don't answer it yourself again."

"Okay." She looked between us uncertainly. "But...why is this happening?"

I exchanged a tired glance with Alex.

Five minutes later, we were nestled in Gem's living room with three mugs of tea. Mine, shaped like a hippo, was resting on the wobbly coffee table. Hundreds of fairy lights were strung back and forth across the midnight ceiling. The walls were pink, the carpet was jade green, and the sofas were covered with ruby red blankets. Bubble-gum scented tea lights burned on the windowsill. Lace curtains were drawn across the glass, hanging perilously close to the flames.

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