Chapter Forty-One

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Alec's Point of View

I watched Dylan close the door behind him before turning my attention towards my mum. She looked tired, and I couldn't help feel slightly guilty for leaving her to deal with dad last night. I scooted over on Dylan's bed and she sat down next to me.

"So... Sam said I'd be here?" I asked her, looking at the ground.

"Well, I thought you'd be here. I phoned Sam to ask for Dylan's address."

I looked up at her. "You knew I would be here?"

"I kind of put two-and-two together and assumed that you'd be wanting to see Dylan after last night."

So, she knew Dylan was my boyfriend. I guess Luke was right when he said it was pretty obvious.

"Alec," she started, reaching out and taking my hand. "I want you to know that I love you. Nothing would change that. And I've noticed how much happier you've been these past few weeks, and if Dylan is responsible for that, well then that's all that matters," she finished.

"You mean that? What about dad?" I asked, turning round so I was sat cross-legged on the bed, facing her.

"You don't need to worry about your father. We're done, especially after what happened last night. Not only was he out of line yelling at you like that, but he was with that bitch he's being seeing behind my back."


"Mm hmm," she replied, turning round and sitting in the same position I was, facing me. She took both of my hands, one in each of hers before continuing. "I walked back in after following you and Luke outside, and there they were, standing over by the wall. She was trying to comfort him - goodness knows why- so I walked over and confronted them both. I started having a go at your father and then she tells me to calm down. TO CALM DOWN, like, who does that bitch think she is?"

Mum was gripping my hands and pulling crazy faces, and I couldn't help but enjoy this just a tiny bit. I loved seeing my mum let loose and get pissed off, she always tried to be so composed and reasonable most of the time that seeing her like this was rare and quite entertaining.

"Then what happened?" I asked, a little too eagerly. She didn't seem to notice, instead a smirk spread across her face and she took a deep breath.

"Well, I did what any respectable wife would do. I slapped her and called her a whore before storming off."

I started to laugh, and I couldn't stop. My mum looked at me, baffled, and then started laughing with me.

"Go mum!" I said, giving her a hi-five. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me, and I returned the hug.

"Despite the situation, I've never felt better." She leaned back and gripped my shoulders, holding me in front of her. "Alec, whatever happens, I'm here for you. Don't shut me out, or Luke. You can talk to me, anytime. I love you."

"I love you too," I replied, giving her another hug. We pulled apart when someone knocked quietly on the door.

"Yeah?" I asked, and Dylan opened the door.

"Sorry to interrupt, but is there a party going on in here that I wasn't invited to?"

My mum laughed before getting up and going to give Dylan an unexpected hug.

"So, I hear you're dating my son?" she said, with all seriousness.

"Uh, yeah I am," replied Dylan, giving me a cautious look.

"Well then, you better watch him. He had some crazy ex girlfriends that-"


"What? You do, especially that Hannah one-"


"Yeah her. She wasn't nice. Too much tan."

Dylan laughed and I rolled my eyes before standing up.

"You coming home for dinner?" asked mum as I picked up my clothes from last night that Dylan had put into a bag.

"Yeah, school tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll meet you in the car."

After she left I closed the door after her, dropped my bag back onto the floor and kissed Dylan. I took him totally by surprise and pulled away just as he was starting to respond.

"Whoa, what was that for?" he asked, placing his hands on my hips.

"I don't know. A thank you kiss?"

"You call that a thank you kiss?" he asked. "That's the best you can do?"

Okay, so I knew exactly what he was doing, and usually I would just walk away when someone was deliberately challenging me... But when that challenge had to do with kissing Dylan? Well, I'd be an idiot for pulling away.

I smiled at him before walking him back towards the bed and pushing him down so he was sat on the edge, his hands still on my waist. I straddled him and combed my fingers through hair before letting my mouth descend onto his. I started off slowly, letting my lips softly brush his. His hands lightly travelled up my sides, slipping under my borrowed t shirt. I pulled his face closer to mine and he opened his mouth to me, letting my tongue enter and stroke his.

"Alec-" gasped Dylan, and I smiled against his mouth and-

And then my mum beeped the bloody horn.

"Damn it Karen," cursed Dylan before falling back against the bed as I stood up, laughing.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I said, picking up my stuff.

"Yeah," he replied, sitting up and leaning on his elbows. His hair was all messy and he was biting his lip. I really didn't want to leave. He could no doubt see my internal struggle and he laughed. "See you tomorrow," he said, tilting his head back and shifting so his t shirt began to ride up.

I flipped him off before making my way out to the car. Seductive bastard. And the worst part? He bloody knew it.

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