Chapter Forty-Four

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I woke up the following morning when I felt the bed shift; it was Dylan getting up to spew into the toilet.

"Shit," I cursed, jumping out of bed and rushing into the bathroom.

Dylan was hunched over the toilet, groaning. I crouched down next to him and started rubbing his back while rubbing at my eyes with my other hand. I yawned and he groaned.

"You okay?" I mumbled.

"I hate Sally," he cried, sitting back and wiping his face with the back of his hand. I got up and search through the bathroom cabinet, Sam usually kept spare toothbrushes...

"Here," I said, handing a toothbrush to Dylan. He brushed his teeth and I did too since Sam had like ten spare toothbrushes. I gave Dylan a pat on the back before returning to the bed.

I checked my phone. It was seven thirty. Now it was my turn to groan.

"What?" mumbled Dylan, collapsing back into bed.

"It's only seven thirty."

"Oh, sorry. My bad."

"Don't worry about it," I muttered, getting comfortable. The room was still relatively dark, and no one would be up for hours yet. I could probably get back to sleep...

Shit. Jayme.

I rolled over so I was facing Dylan, who was also looking at me. He raised his eyebrows while coving up a yawn.

"What is it, Alec?"

What better time to tell your boyfriend that you had a chat with his ex boyfriend than when he is hung-over and tired.

"Eh, well. Last night when I went outside, Jayme was there."

I watched his face, gauging for a reaction, but he kept calm and composed.

"It was about time he tried to stir shit up again. What did he say?"

"Well, he asked me to just hear him out, so I did. He said that he could see that you had changed, but he wanted to let me know that there were reasons as to why he broke up with you. Then he went all vague and was like ' I shouldn't have left him in the state he was in' and 'I don't believe someone can change as much as he has' or some shit like that..."

Dylan wiped his face with his hands and pulled on his hair, clearly frustrated. He looked over at me, searching my face for something, before turning so he was lying down on his side, facing me straight on.

"I don't what he's trying to do, but I know you want to know what he's talking about."

I went to tell him that if he didn't want to tell me, he didn't have to, but he held up his hand.

"I want to tell, I just couldn't find a good time to bring it up."

I could tell that this was hard for him; his eyebrows were screwed together and he kept biting the inside of his cheek. I moved forward so we were close enough that our noses nearly touched and I reached down and took his hand, letting my thumb trace circles on the back of it.

"When I started getting to know Jayme, I was pretty messed up, mainly because of my dad. I was angry when he left; I was going to go to high school with no dad, but by that point I really needed him. Mum was struggling at work, so I was babysitting Sophie all the time or going to stay at my grans and I guess... I guess I just missed him. I was still angry, but I was also hurt."

"So I kind of went off the rails. I started smoking and drinking and getting into fights- this was before Jayme came along. But then when I started seeing him, it made things better but at the same time worse. I had someone to rely on; I guess that's why I fell in love with him too quickly. But at the same time, he made me confused and angry. I had enough problems without being gay, you know?"

His grip on my hand tightened, and he wasn't looking at me anymore. I could tell from his expression that he was lost in his memories, and I didn't know if that was a good thing.

"When Jayme left, that's when things got bad. Real bad. I just didn't care about anything, or anyone... Mitch for whatever reason stuck by me the whole time, and when him and Sally got together I guess it gave me a distraction. You know Sally, you can't not like her."

His gaze focused on me again and he smiled. "I'll never forget what she said to me one day. She just turned around to me, slapped me in the face and said 'You better get your shit together Dylan Lewis, cause I love you, and Mitch loves you, and we're going to the carnival and you can't be sad at a carnival.'"

I laughed with him. That sure did sound like a sally thing to say.

"That was at the start of summer, right before Sophie's sixth birthday. I'd forgot her birthday was coming up, and I was so angry with myself. I'd tried to shut everyone out; especially my mum and Sophie. But when I saw her at her party and she came and gave me a hug I realised that Sally was right. I'd completely neglected actually living my lifealtogether, and I was missing out on so much. So I got my shit together, spent more time with my family and Mitch and Sally over the summer, and then went back to school. I met you a few weeks later."

Dylan was looking down at our entwined hands, and slowly removed my hand from his and cupped his face with it.

"Thank you," I said.

"For what?"

"For trusting me enough to tell me that."

Then Dylan Lewis, the most laidback person I knew did the unexpected. He blushed.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw his face redden, and when he tried to pull away to hide it I just let my hand grab the back of his neck and I pulled him towards me.

I kissed him softly, slowly moving my lips against his. I sat up so I could cup his face with my other hand, so I was leaning over him. Dylan's hands encircled my hip and he pulled my on top of him, so my knees were rested at either side of him. His hands travelled up my back and he pulled me against him so I rested on top of him; skin to skin contact.

He opened his mouth to me, granting my tongue entrance, and I slowly stroked his tongue with mine. I pulled back air, and rested my forehead against his. His eyes were filled with tears that refused to fall, and he smiled up at me. I smiled back and combed my fingers through his hair.

"I like the hair," I said softly, and he laughed.

"Give it two weeks and the roots will be back."

"I like the roots too," I said, and I kissed his nose. "And I like this." I kissed his chin. "And this." I kissed his neck. "And this."

"Alec," warned Dylan, and I knew what he was telling me. Or, I could feel it in his pants. Since we were in Sam's guest bedroom and I just knew he would know, I decided on a different course of action and began to tickle Dylan. Turns out, he is very ticklish.

"Oh my God... Alec... Stop it..."

"Make me," I said, before realising what I had actually said.

Dylan rolled me over, much to my surprise, and before I got the chance to cry out his mouth was on mine. This wasn't a lovely slow, gentle kiss that I had given Dylan. Oh no, this was a I'm-Dylan-Lewis-fuck-me-now kind of kiss.

He pulled away just as I was getting into it and laughed.


He laughed again and rolled off of me.

"So, are you going to watch the fireworks on Thursday?"

"Yeah, are Sally and Mitch coming too?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Dylan rolled back over so he was hovering above me, resting on his arms. He went to say something, but frowned. "We don't have a change of clothes."

Aw shit.

"Guess we're doing the walk of shame in our Halloween costumes."

Dylan laughed. "With you, Alec Brooke, it would never be a walk of shame."

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