D a t e

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Hotline Girl !

Hey Sparrow.

So..guess what ?

You're texting to know where to take Hayley for the date..

Wow. That was accurate..how did you..know ?

Well, you are dumb enough to make me understand what's going on..


Wait, you're not gonna complain that I called you dumb..?

Guess not. It kinda grew on me, you calling me dumb..


So..where do I take a girl on a date ?

Well, it depends on the girl..you know..

Okay. Where would you like to go on a date ?

How does it even matter ? I'm never going on a date with you.

Ah. Worth a try. Anyway, just tell me..so I can get ideas..

Well, for me, I would want to take long walks through the museums and libraries..and well, a trip to the amusement park, maybe ? And probably a picnic under the stars..

Woah. You, missy, have a great demand for dates, and apparently a great expectation from boys..

Well, what can a girl do ? The books have raised the standard of boys so high, that everyone looks like an idiot dumbass to me..

Hey !

Yep. Now shut up. We're not talking about other girls, not me, but about Hayley. Okay ?


Okay. So, I was saying- wait, did we just-

Quote The Fault in Our Stars ? Yes. Yes, we did.


I know. It just happened like that. Not intentional at all.

No, not that. I'm surprised that you even know what The Fault in Our Stars is !

I have a sister if you didn't notice.

Ah. Makes sense now.

Whatever. Now, where should I take Hayley ?

Um, she likes art. She literally obsesses over them. So, why not take her to an art museum or gallery ? Or maybe an art exhibition, and then lunch and coffee at Madame Eudoria's Cafe. I heard the cafe is filled with art, or is art inspired. She'll love it.

Wow. You really know your way through the love coach thing.

Of course. I am a professional.

But art museum will be the death of me.

Oh come on. Two hours in an art museum won't kill you..

Fine. Whatever.

So, you're gonna go out there, be a good guy, all gentlemanly, and treat her well.


Okay ?



We did it again.

Did what ?

Can't you see ?

Whatever it is, I'm too busy.

Fine. But I'm gonna text you during the date.

She's gonna think that you're blowing off.

I don't care. You're gonna be texting me.


Okay ?



We did it again.



Um, well, uh, bye..

Hotline Girl ?
Hello ?
Okay. Bye.

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