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Hotline Girl !
Damn it woman !
Hello ?!
Hotline Girl !!

Hey Damien ;)

Gosh, I hate you so much !

I know ;)

How could you ?! How in the Earth did you convice Miss Teresa to pair me up with....

Say it..go on.. ;)

With that goddamn little d**k Eric !!

Hey ! Don't call him that..it's rude..

It's not my fault people call him that..

It kinda is..

It is ?

Remember, last year, at Serafina's big birthday bash ? You got drunk and pushed Eric into the pool ? You shouted the name out loud at that time..

Oh..I did ? I don't remember..I didn't really drink that much..

You aren't supposed to. You were drunk, remember ? And bullshit, you have literally zero tolerance for alcohol..


I don't understand something, why would you call him that ?

Why wouldn't I ? I mean, he is literally useless..studies = 0, sports = 0, hygiene =0..what else ?

Okay, fine. But, please don't call him that..and anyway, he is moving to Chicago next week..

Oh good God ! Thank Goodness !

Stop being overly dramatic..

Wait, how do you know that ?

I might know a few of the gossips here and there..

Or you are actually friends with him..

Yeah, no..

Good. I would never speak to you if you were his friend. He literally has no friends..he is so dirty and gross..I heard he eats his nose trash..

Damn it ! Should've said I was friends with him..

Why do you wanna leave me so bad ?

You wouldn't understand.. ( unsent )

Anyway, how did you convince Miss Teresa ?

Well, she adores me. I literally made her blueberry cupcakes for teacher's day. And good grades in Calculus doesn't come out of nowhere, ya know..

Wow. You are one heck of a teacher's pet..

Nope. Not even close. I just know when and how to use my trump cards ;)

You are evil..

I know..

Okay. Whatever. But there are two things in this whole conversation that interested me the most. Wanna know what ?

Well, you're gonna tell me even if I say no, so go on.

True enough.
Now, this tells me, that you went to Serafina's big birthday bash last year and you go to Miss Teresa's class..

Yeah so..?

Serafina only invited the people she adored, the cheerleading team and the football team..


And you said that you get good grades in Calculus..so..you won't be hard to find..

Why do you wanna find me ?
Shouldn't you be focusing on Laura and prom ?

Yeah..but I wanna know who I am talking to for the last three months..

Three months ? Damn. That's long..and you aren't able to find a single girl..God, and you call yourself a flirt master..

Hey it's your fault I can't focus on anything else..

Why is it my fault ?

Well, because, I talk to you all the time..like all the time..
And your always on my mind ( unsent )

Hey it's not my fault that I am hella charming... ;)

Right. I can't deny that.

Of cour- wait what ?

What ?

You- uh..nevermind..


See ya later, alligator..I gotta go..

Okay bye. See ya in a while, crocodile..

L♡VE On Speed Dial ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ