Chapter 63

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Hey guys! Sorry about the hiatus! I decided to focus on school. I'll be trying my best to finish the series this summer!! Thank you for reading I really appreciate it!


Recently, the emperor of Krastia had been disappearing for short periods of time. He always returned with a lighter, more relaxed aura, as if he was refreshed and re-energized. It seemed as if his adventures with Red brought enlightenment to the young emperor, to the point where Sir Vigos was also suspicious. He decided to follow the emperor, wondering what Akihiko exactly did in his spare time. He was also wary about the emperor's safety, wanting to ensure that he was not dabbling in any suspicious activities as the rumors claimed.

However, he never expected that the emperor would fly deep into the mountains. It was quite difficult to trace him since he flew to his destination but the moment he caught up with the emperor, there was a tall, slender figure welcoming him. He could immediately tell that the emperor wanted to close the distance between the two, although the woman always stood her ground to resist his flirtatious body language. Even from a distance, Sir Vigos could already sense the clear, blatant interest the emperor displayed for this unknown woman, although the feelings didn't seem to be reciprocated equally.

The woman's graceful movements were strangely familiar, and Sir Vigos lingered a while longer until he noticed her unnaturally black hair. A vibrant blue hue reflected from her silky hair, and her manners were far too elegant for a commonly dressed woman.

An affair with a married noble? Sir Vigos scrunched his face for a closer look.

Sensing a pair of eyes assessing her movements, the woman whirled around. "Who's out there?" She scanned her surroundings and shifted uncomfortably, and the emperor followed her eyes to a tall tree. His expression was unreadable.

"It's Sir Vigos." He replied calmly, his eyes drifting to the woman again.

Sir Vigos stared in shock as he witnessed his emperor voluntarily speak to a woman kindly for the first time since Celine. The emperor would only look at this woman, and it was a very unnerving sight.

Sir Vigos was well hidden behind the trees, yet he could never escape from the emperor's watchful eyes. He adjusted his garments and stepped out into the open, casually bowing his head low.

"Your majesty." When he lifted his eyes, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at him with a sad expression. Sir Vigos stepped back in disbelief, immediately recognizing the woman before him.

"Princess Caelin-na?" He staggered, his heart dropped to the floor. It seemed as if he was drowned of all energy, his heart felt exhausted and heavy.

Celine faced her late friend's husband, and their eyes seemed to tear up immediately, as if a thousand memories of Lady Yasna had unraveled before them.

"Y-yes, Sir Vigos. We meet again." She nodded, finally giving him a weak, uplifting smile. Her smile only grew wider and sorrowful as she relived the emotions of losing a dear friend.

"I-I-I always-s w-wanted to see you again Lady Caelina. . . T-to tell you, that I have reflected on my past actions. . . I sincerely apologize. Back then, I was blinded by greed. . ." He choked on his words as he walked closer to Celine, and he began to ramble about his wrongdoings until she interrupted him.

"You don't need to tell me, for Akihiko has told me everything already." She lifted her hand up to stop him from finishing his words. She was overwhelmed by his sudden appearance and didn't want him to move closer.

"He has?" Sir Vigos looked up in alarm, secretly cursing the emperor for not informing him of anything.

"Yes. I always wanted to tell you that I hope you don't live the rest of your life with regrets. Yasna would want you to move on." She pitied this man greatly, wanting to cry as she observed his aged expression. His face looked exhausted, and the dark circles under his eyes were deepened and shallow from sleepless nights.

Their conversation turned grim and sober; the heavy emotion exhausting them both. They reminisced their memories with Yasna. There were many bittersweet emotions coursing through Celine. Everything had become better in the long run, yet there had been so many things that had gone wrong. Celine was successful and living happily now, yet she had lost her best friend.

Akihiko cut the meeting off shortly after observing Celine's depressed state. He interrupted the conversation with an abrupt question.

"Did you know that Yasna's child survived?" He asked.

Celine was shocked by the news and nearly screamed with delight. Somehow, he was pleased to see her eyes light up again.

"Sir Vigos. . ." She couldn't contain her joy and laughed, her eyes glittering with wonder. She clasped her hand around Sir Vigos' arm, congratulating him for the miracle. "You are truly blessed. It's the most wonderful news I've heard in awhile. . . I must meet your child!"

"She's my little girl. Her name is Habibti." He spoke softly. "It means 'my love.' "

"Such a beautiful name." Celine whispered. She couldn't help the tears forming around her eyes. Her best friend had left behind a legacy, and it was as if a small piece of her friend was still left in this world.

"She takes after her mother in looks and charm. I can bring her-"

"If you visit the palace, you can see her." Akihiko pulled Celine away from Sir Vigos, narrowing his eyes at his closest advisor. Both were startled by Akihiko's sudden mood swing, staring at him in wonder.

"What if I invite you over for dinner in exchange for the meeting with Habibti?" Celine asked, looking at Vigos again.


"No." Akihiko cut Sir Vigos off again. "You can only meet her at the palace."


Habibti doesn't reside in the palace. Sir Vigos wanted to expose the truth, yet he sealed his lips in fear of Akihiko's wrath.

Sir Vigos and Celine exchanged glances, further irritating the emperor.

"I will return tomorrow. We can either chat here or chat in the royal palace with Habibti." With that, Akihiko turned his heel around and began to leave, beckoning Vigos to follow him.

"It was a pleasure to see you. May we meet again." Sir Vigos gave Celine an apologetic smile and soon followed him, leaving her alone in contemplation.

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