Chapter 60

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The very next day, the house buzzed with excitement for Celine's outing. The twins eagerly asked if the teacher would join their family while Hala fussed over her dress. 

In the end, Celine wore a common robe and a slightly touched up face that was covered by a dark veil. 

"Celine. . . You must take off the veil when you two are alone, alright?" The mother advised sternly. She smoothed Celine's hair and braided it to the side, her hands shaking with excitement. "Please don't hide that brilliant face. Yesterday, that man probably didn't see your face properly too well."

Celine nodded, neither reassuring or objecting her suggestions.

As for the date, Celine wondered how the teacher would court her. She was slightly concerned since she didn't want the teacher to offer her an engagement proposal as soon as they met. She had been on plenty of dates in her former life, yet dating in this time period was much more formal and conservative. In this era, how could she possibly explain to this man that she wasn't looking for a serious relationship and not sound like an immoral person?

However, she didn't need to worry, for Daizo was a courteous man. As soon as he discovered her love for reading, they discoursed on humanity and the proper method of teaching. Their conversation rather circled around scholarly and highly intellectual topics, leaving no room for romance.

They walked through the outskirts of the village and finally entered the market for a small meal. The sun began to set as they stood near a food vendor.

The teacher smiled awkwardly as he realized that their conversation was becoming less interesting for Celine, who was only observing the streets in awe. 

"Um. . . May I l-lift the v-veil?" He stuttered, blushing in embarrassment. "I just want to see your face, I am not implying anything else." He added quickly.

Celine faced Daizo again and the hat she wore bobbed up and down to indicate her approval.

He wanted to create a romantic atmosphere, and slightly lifted Celine's veil. He beamed at her dazzling appearance, immediately overcome with emotion and stunned by her timeless beauty. Daizo already knew of Celine's lack of Krastian blood, yet he would never have thought her beauty would be this exotic. 

"You are heaven's incarnate." He declared earnestly, then coughed in embarrassment again.

"Thank you. . ." Celine gently pushed his hands away and the veil fluttered down gracefully again. She was uncomfortable with his sweet words, and she could tell he was falling for her appearance instead.

Before he could continue to speak, a group of muscular men began to angrily yell at the street vendors, garnering the attention from nearby crowd. Daizo and Celine also looked over, curious to see what was going on.

"It seems as if there's an argument." Daizo noted. "Perhaps it is related to the emperor, for their tattoos are rumored to be part of his men."

"If the men are a part of the emperor's military, why do they look so. . . mean?" Celine squinted and observed them closely. They were far too disorderly to be under the emperor, and they seemed to be arrogant, lacking the strict, respectful posture that soldiers often possessed. "They look more like thugs."

"I'm sorry, but we don't have money! We already paid our dues too. . ." The street vendor whimpered, igniting a cruel laugh from the men.

"You won't pay us? Even when the emperor is demanding money?" The bigger man that sported a sleeve tattoo stepped in front of the small man who shivered in fear. "If you can't pay, then there's no point in continuing business."

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