Chapter 25

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"I'm sorry Zayden, but no. There are rumors that we are secretly in love. I don't want to add fuel to the gossip." Celine declined with guilt. Her panic had subsided from the distraction from his question. She had momentarily disregarded the negative thoughts swarming her brain in order to decide if she should dance with him.

She was aware of the eyes observing her every move. If people believed they were in some sort of love affair, wouldn't her previous words to the Crown Prince be extremely hypocritical?

She would also be bombarded by conspiracies and accusations of treason for supporting the Second Prince.

He nodded and pulled his outstretched hand back to his side. "Then I'll escort you out of this ballroom."

"....That's no different..."

"Don't you want to get out of here?" Prince Zayden referred to her panicked expression moments before she had arrived.

"Yes... But we shouldn't leave too early."

"Then let me at least keep you company." He smiled and stood tall, blocking her from the Emperor's view. 

Celine was immediately relieved and was able to relax again. She was returning to her usual self, and even let go of Yasna's hands. 

A gorilla is strong, but a dragon can breathe fire, Celine reminded herself. She continued to think logically in order to feel better and secure.

The series of dances accompanied by ancient music continued without any further scandals or incidents. Emperor Michaelis I presented his welcoming speech and thanked the gods and wished for more prosperity in the Zionitte Empire. Throughout his speech, the Emperor slurred his words and often paused as if he had forgotten what he was going to say. Celine cringed with disgust. She was hidden behind Prince Zayden, but she could already imagine how embarrassing the Emperor looked right now. The Crown Prince also expressed his gratitude towards his men and rewarded the outstanding soldiers with land or new titles. His speech was rather professional and sincere. 

Then, the night officially began.

Because of the soldiers' presence, the ball was less formal. The venue was filled with drunk men and women, while the servants ushered drinks around the crowd of people. Lady Yasna had returned to her husband's side and mingled with the elites. Zavia stuck close to the Crown Prince as they were swarmed by countless greetings. Even Michaelis I flirted with his concubines and laughed alongside her father. Celine keenly watched her father's flushed face become more relaxed as he downed multiple drinks. His arms were around his wife, and he truly seemed like a happy man.

Zayden and Celine stood in the corner of the room, watching the events unfold before them. They refused to drink and ate food instead.

After the meal, they quietly slipped away, hoping that nobody would notice them leaving. Unfortunately, Zayden and Celine couldn't escape the Crown Prince's watchful eyes.

Zavia followed his line of sight and watched the back of a woman secretly leave the venue with a slightly taller man. Her eyes were filled with worry, and she leaned into Laith's ear. She softly whispered, "There had been rumors that Celine had fallen in love with the second prince. It seems to be true."

She held his hand and interlocked their fingers together. He unknowingly squeezed Zavia's hand too harshly, and she let out a yelp in surprise.

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