Chapter 8

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At the market, Y/n, Luz, King are running Eda's stand while she's behind the curtain. King is trying to reach a hanging flag while Y/n reads a book since no one has stopped buying anything.

Y/n: "You're not going to reach that flag, King. You're going to fall off the table if you keep doing that."

King: "Shut up if I focus enough I will reach it!!"

He jumps one more time then falls off the table into a chest, this makes Y/n put down his book and smirk at King.

Y/n: "Told you so."

King: "Shut up! That flag is cursed!"

That's when Luz comes by with a ladder and a sign she made in her hands. She puts the ladder down, so she can put up her new sign she made for Eda's shop.

Luz: "It's been a little slow around here."

Y/n: "I don't mind it gives me the chance to read about some plants spells."

Luz: "Where and when did you get that?"

Y/n: "I got it from Willow, our plant expert. She gave it to me yesterday after I bumped into her while walking around the Boiling Isles. So what's with the sign?"

Luz was on top of the ladder and puts her sign above Eda's she touches her magic glyph making the whole sign light up. Then the lights make Eda's face winking at everyone.

Luz: "As I said before it's been slow, so I made this thing will attract customers. And who doesn't like their name in lights?"

Y/n: "Got to say it looks amazing."

Boscha: "If amazing means something else in the human world."

Luz got down from the ladder to see Boscha, Skara, and some random teen they have never met before. Y/n scowls at her while crossing his arms.

Y/n: "Oh great it's you."

Luz: "Hi Boscha! Hexsidians! See anything you like?"

Boscha: "Ew! No. I'm just here to take an ironic Penstagram next to your weird flashing trash sign."

She summons her scroll and turns to where she, Luz, Y/n, and Luz's sign is in the picture. Luz makes a weird face in the photo since she wasn't ready for it, but Y/n is still scowling at her this time with Jiksha hissing.

Luz: "That's not funny, Boscha."

Boscha: "What are you going to do? Spit your human venom on me?"

Y/n: "That's not a bad idea."

Poisonous gas would start to leak out his mouth making the three of them back away from Y/n. That is until Luz put a mask over his mouth stopping his poison from leaking out his mouth. Y/n coughs a bit before pulling off the mask.

King: "Luz why did you stop him!"

Luz: "It's not worth the trouble, plus I think he's trying to kill them."

Y/n: "I wasn't going to it was just going to paralyze them."

King: "If you won't show dominance then I will!"

Y/n: "Ha the best you'll get is an aw, you don't understand teenagers."

King looked at Y/n with a scowl before jumping on the table and started to rant at the teens in front of him. And just like what Y/n said the best he got was an 'Aw he's so cute. Boscha then grabbed him to take pictures with him.

Boscha: "He's so cute! How much? I have to own him."

Y/n: "How much do you get on you?"

That earned him a bonk on the head by Luz with a book. While he was sitting on the ground rubbing his head, King got out of Boscha's grasp and started to yell some more. That's when Eda poked her nose out the curtain and started to smell the air.

Eda: "I smell an easy mark."

She jumps out from the curtain to then jump over the table, to land in front of the teens.

Eda: "Hey, kid! Can I offer you the latest fashions from... the human realm?"

Eda drew a magic rune in front of her changing her clothes to random clothes she found. This made the teens laugh and walk away, she snapped her fingers to return to her normal clothes. Luz picks up King from the table to hold him in her arms.

Eda: "Well, I hate her."

Y/n: "Looks like we have something in common."

Luz: "Yeah, teens can be sour, but I'm a little sweetie."

Y/n: "Yes you are a little sweetie when you don't bonk me on the head."

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