Chapter 4

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Right Now Y/n and Luz are in the living room while she records King trying to get a sock off his mouth. Y/n is riding notes that Amity gave him to study since she has to hold up her end of the bet.

Luz: "And here we have the most fearsome creature in the world, the king of demons. Facing his natural enemy, the ducky sock."

King uses his hind legs to tear the ducky sock then begins to tear it into little pieces. Once the ducky sock is only little pieces on the ground he starts to stomp on the ground.

Y/n: "FOr King of Demons you have trouble destroying stuff. I mean Jiksha is more dangerous than you by her venom alone."

Luz points her phone to where Y/n is reading while Jiksha is asleep around his neck.

Luz: "That is true but the venomous snake is nothing to you since you are immune to any type of venom. So King why did you call us here?"

King: "Oh yeah."

King stops what he was doing then jumps on top of a chest and puts on a hat. Then pulls off the sheet that is covering aboard when the board was revealed it had different types of demons.

King: "You and Y/n been so obsessed with witchcraft that you haven't learned anything about my kind. Prepare yourself for... Demons 101! Demons like me are grim tricksters of the twilight, creatures of sulfur and bone."

Luz: "And cute little paws."

Y/n: "Luz, not all demons have cute little paws, but learning about demons would help us. Since we have been here we either been tricked by a demon, almost eaten, captured, and you almost got dissected."

Luz: "True..."

She said looking away with a little blush then King coughs to get their attention, Y/n outs down his notes and walks over then sits down next to Luz.

King: "Our only weaknesses are purified water and passive‐aggressive comments. Sometimes."

Luz and Y/n: "You guys are sensitive."

King: " Even demons have inner demons. The most powerful demon of all is the Snaggleback. He's a‐‐"

Luz: "Bad boy!"

The camera screen appears many stickers and text, is has been using her phone more often now. It's kind of weird since she and Y/n still get wifi even though they aren't even on earth.

King: "Luz, pay attention. This information could save your life someday."

Y/n: "He's right Luz."

Luz: "No, no. I am so paying attention. This is my paying attention face. Mm‐hmm, mm‐hmm, mm‐hmm."

She does a weird face then it thunders outside, this gets Y/n and Luz attention. They both start to smile since it's about to rain Y/n puts Jiksha on her pillow then runs outside.

Luz: "I always love feeling the first few drops in my hair."

Y/n: "Yeah it reminds me of the time when we were kids, and we started to use the mud as a gel for our hair."

Luz: "The good old days, yeah and the way he got it out was by playing in the rain."

Luz begins down to look at a flower then when a single raindrop his the flower it shrivels up.

Luz: "What?"

Luz: "What?"

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