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Ecstatically spinning in circles and giggling like a little girl, Princess Elaina reflects fondly on her time spent with Prince Henry thus far. She had been reluctant to accept the invitation to spend time in the foreign castle, leaving behind her home in pursuit of a marriage she did not particularly want. Somehow, her parents managed to convince her to give Prince Henry a chance to woo her, assuring that the potential union between them would be beneficial to both kingdoms; with her duty to her people as her utmost priority, Elaina simply could not refuse.

Before her arrival at his palace, she had heard rumors that the prince was easy on the eyes, but she was not in the least prepared for how attractive he really is. Any woman would be undeniably lucky to acquire such appeasing features in her betrothed. Upon first sight, she had known she would not protest the proposal the queen had given her. In fact, Princess Elaina would be entirely satisfied to marry the gorgeous man. Of course, they do not love each other, but feelings will come with time. Arranged marriages are rarely considerate of such trivial ideas as love, anyway; this union would solely be political in nature, a marriage of convenience, per se.

For now, Princess Elaina is quite content to accept the proposal based solely on the prince's physical appearance; the benefits to her homeland are simply an added bonus. As selfish as that may make her sound, the princess cannot possibly bring herself to feel otherwise at this moment.

Elaina and Henry had spent most of the day together, much to her delight; she should remember to profusely thank the queen for her insistence upon making it happen. Now, alone in her room, the princess cannot help but swoon over the charming prince. She believes that if a human could be the absolute and literal definition of perfection, Prince Henry would surely be it.

Though at first, she could not help feeling as if he seemed utterly disinterested in her, she now supposes that was simply because they had just met. She understands their status as complete strangers had likely dampened his ability and desire to connect with her beyond mere formalities. However, Princess Elaina is now confident the prince will become utterly smitten with her soon; she will do everything within her power to ensure it. Somehow, she will worm her way into his very being, securing her place as the future queen of his kingdom, no matter the cost.

When the queen had initially suggested that she allow herself into Henry's bedroom, Elaina had been nervous at first. Her apprehension, however, quickly transformed into excitement as she spent countless hours chatting and laughing with him; Princess Elaina could imagine herself easily stealing the heart of Prince Henry, bewitching the young man entirely with minimal effort.

Come the first signs of nightfall, the prince was quick to usher her out of his room, some nonsensical drivel regarding propriety spilling from his mouth as he excused her from his presence. The princess had momentarily been irritated by the sudden wish to be rid of her. However, she did not protest; she had not wanted to upset him so early in their blossoming relationship, knowing wholeheartedly that their pending permanent union relied on the prince being able to tolerate her until the vows could be said. After Prince Henry escorted her back to her temporary bedroom, she had expected, even hoped, that their time together would end with a kiss. She could not stop the disappointment that filled her when she did not receive the anticipated lip-lock. Ever the perfect gentleman, Henry is likely waiting until they are officially courting, though. How very princely of him! Knowing they will soon marry, Elaina knows that day will come swiftly.

Soon, Prince Henry will have no reason to dismiss her; soon, she will have those perfect pink lips serving her unrelentingly. She will await the day with the utmost anticipation, daydreaming of the very moment she can surrender herself to the growing passion between them entirely.

Princess Elaina halts her dancing long enough to take a look at herself in the mirror with a happy sigh. Her gaze roams over her reflection, drinking in the sight of her unbridled joy. She certainly looks like a girl in love! Admiring her flushed cheeks and bright smile, the princess cannot suppress another giggle; she had never known she could feel this way about someone she had only just met. Or anyone at all, really. Love is simply a fairytale in the lives of royals; duty always supersedes one's own feelings. However, it appears that Prince Henry has ultimately proven her wrong in the best of ways.

When her fit of bubbly and rather infectious laughter has subsided, Elaina decides that she must write home to tell her parents how splendidly her visit is going, as well as how infatuated with the prince she is already. Rushing to her desk to begin her letter, the smile never leaves the princess's face, her enrapturing emotions flowing freely from her to the paper by means of the pen in her hand. The more she writes, the more obsessive she becomes, enough to inform her mother that she would like to begin the wedding planning and preparations immediately upon her return home. Oh, she cannot wait to call herself Henry's wife! Perhaps she and her mother could plan the wedding remotely, ensuring the task is finished before she must temporarily part with her beloved. They could write out all the essential details in the letters they exchange, planning the most perfect wedding anyone has ever seen in either of their kingdoms.

What a dream come true it would be; she would surely be the envy of every young woman within the entirety of the soon-to-be-joined kingdoms.

After finishing her letter, Princess Elaina seals the handwritten pages into an envelope before slipping into her nightgown. She squeals excitedly as she twirls once more before climbing under the covers of the large bed. As she prepares for sleep, her mind fills with thoughts of someday sharing a bed with her handsome prince. Such intimate and particularly inappropriate ideas bring a deep blush to Elaina's cheeks. However improper and unladylike that may be, the princess cannot force the temptations from her mind, rebelliously indulging in her self-curated fantasies about sharing her first sexual experiences with the insanely attractive Prince Henry.

With those types of thoughts swirling around her head, Elaina expects she will sleep well tonight. And even if she does not, the drowsiness she may feel tomorrow will be well worth it.

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