Bonus Chapter #1

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*A/N: Please note that the following chapters are bonus chapters featuring new content that was not previously included in the original version of the story. While these chapters are not necessary to the plot of the story, I appreciate you sticking around to find out just what happens next for Caleb and Henry. I hope these added scenes don't disappoint!

Thank you so much for reading- I appreciate all your support! ❤

Lots of love to you all!


Caleb takes a deep breath as he straightens his tie, his eyes welling with tears as he stares at his reflection in the mirror. Perhaps he should not feel so incredibly saddened by the events about to transpire, but he cannot help it; the only mother he has ever known is about to be laid to rest. His hands shake aggressively as he smooths the fabric of his black suit, and he bites the inside of his lip in a poor attempt to contain his overwhelming emotions. While the witch had never been much of a parent to him and had not once shown him any inkling of affection, he is unable to feel joyful about her passing.

Such is the burden of having such a caring and compassionate heart, he supposes.

A soft knock on the door draws Caleb's attention to the doorway, his lips curling into a small smile at the sight of his husband. Henry looks particularly delectable in his tailored suit, the dark slacks and blazer fitting his slightly muscled physique perfectly, and do not even get Caleb started on the way that pressed white shirt enhances his perfect pectorals and abdominals. The raven shakes his head, clearing away the tempting and increasingly lustful thoughts as he admires the handsome man before him, instead focusing on the much more devastating circumstances of the day.

His mother's funeral.

Noticing the grief overtaking his partner, Henry is by Caleb's side in an instant, the blond's strong arms wrapping around the other boy's thin waist. Placing his chin on his little bird's shoulder, Henry whispers, "I will be by your side throughout the entire ceremony. You do not have to suffer alone, love."

A sigh escapes Caleb as he melts into his husband's embrace, his eyes fluttering closed. "I appreciate you more than words could express," he murmurs quietly. Taking another deep breath, he says, "I suppose it is time to go."

Henry gives him a final squeeze before taking Caleb's hand and leading him out of the castle, the two princes following the small procession of servants who have decided to attend the memorial services of the departed witch. Caleb cannot even blame the remainder of the palace staff for choosing not to participate in the event; Delilah had done nothing but cause harm to most of them. The intimate gathering proceeds through the castle gates and into the woods just outside of the royal grounds, where the king has given permission for the witch to be buried.

When they finally stop at a small clearing, the few attendants gather around the officiant as he begins to speak. "We are gathered here today to bid a final farewell to Delilah Delvaux," the elderly man begins.

Caleb unintentionally blocks out the man's words as his gaze travels over the sparse group of people surrounding him. His dear Henry is by his side, as promised. Ella and Earl are close by, along with a handful of other staff that the raven has not yet learned the names of; he should make an effort to do that, especially since they cared enough about him to attend his wicked creator's funeral services. In the distance, hidden among the trees just beyond the clearing, stand the king and queen overseeing the ceremony. Caleb is not quite sure whether they are present out of duty or as a form of support for Henry and him, but he does not believe that their reasons truly matter; either way, he appreciates the effort put forth.

"Caleb, would you like to say a few words?" the officiant asks, drawing the raven's attention back to the task at hand.

Clearing his throat, Caleb nods slowly, attempting to gather his courage and uphold a brave appearance while he feels as if he is crumbling inside; it is perhaps one of the most challenging things he has ever partaken. Stepping forward, he folds his hands in front of him, lowering his gaze to the carved headstone lying mere feet away from him. "Delilah was never motherly toward me," he states, struggling to suppress the wave of tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. "And yet, she was the only parental figure I had ever known. While she had never loved me, I had believed throughout my childhood that I felt something toward her that could be considered 'love.' Although I may have been mistaken, at this time, I would like to hold onto that belief. If it were not for her, I would not exist. She may not have cared about me in the way a mother should, but she gave me life. She taught me to walk and talk, to read and write; she clothed and fed me throughout my eighteen years on this earth. And for that, she will always hold a place in my heart."

Unable to recite any more words, Caleb audibly chokes on a withheld sob, the dam in his eyes finally bursting. Henry is quick to comfort him, pulling him back into the safety of his arms where nothing else can harm him.

"Thank you for your beautiful words, Caleb," the officiant says, giving the crying boy a sympathetic smile before returning his gaze to the book in his hand. As he reads the final passages of the service, the audience remains quiet, save for the subtle sounds of the raven's tears.

When the ceremony has ended, the two princes remain in the clearing as the others disperse, Henry whispering soothing words into his husband's ear as he continues to cry on his shoulder. "You did so well, love," he says, rubbing Caleb's back in a comforting circular motion. "I am so proud of you, Caleb."

With a sniffle, the raven lifts his head, locking his eyes on those crystal blues he so wholeheartedly adores. His heart quivers in his chest, undulating with affection and admiration for the man beside him. He could not have survived this without Henry's reassurances and consolations; he could not have done it without Henry at all. "You are my strength, you know," Caleb mumbles, pressing himself more firmly against his husband's chest. "You are the guiding star that leads me, the harbor that shelters me from the storm, the golden sunshine that brightens the darkness constantly threatening to consume me." With a deep breath, he adds, "You really are my knight in shining armor, you know."

Henry chuckles softly at the reference, the love held within his heart for his ruby-eyed boy exploding throughout his entire body. "Perhaps," he replies, tenderly brushing the hair from Caleb's face. "But you are my home. You are every beat of my heart, every breath that fills my lungs, and the spark that ignites the fire within my soul."

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