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In the quiet stillness of the room, the only sound that can be heard is the loud thumping of the raven's erratically beating heart. The tension in the air is palpable, something he could physically reach out and grasp if he were not so preoccupied staring into Henry's sparkling blue eyes. They shine in the poorly lit tower, the moonlight filtering in through the singular window and reflecting within them; however, the light is dim compared to the brilliance of the emotions swirling within their depths. Caleb finds himself getting lost in them, contentedly drowning in the endless oceans of blue; he could stare into them forever.

Softly, Henry caresses Caleb's cheek as his gaze falls from the dark-haired boy's eyes to his lips. "You are so beautiful," he whispers, his voice taking on a husky tone that fills Caleb's stomach with an unfamiliar heat. The prince's fingers follow his eyes, gently tracing over the raven's lips before his thumb tenderly presses into his plump bottom lip. Henry cannot help but lean in closer, desperate to have a taste of him.

Caleb's breath catches in his throat when the prince's warm, minty breath fans over his face, his body tensing in ways it never has before. He is not entirely sure what is happening, but he knows he does not want it to stop. The blond boy's hand slides down to cup the other's chin, lifting the raven's face up to meet his. With the space between them suddenly gone, Henry takes a moment to search Caleb's enchanting scarlet eyes before finally closing the minuscule gap remaining.

Lips touching in a feather-light kiss, the raven stares briefly into the pools of blue before succumbing to the pleasure shooting through his body, his eyes fluttering closed. Henry takes this as a sign of approval and presses his lips more firmly to Caleb's, wrapping his arms around the dark-haired boy's waist and pulling him impossibly closer until they have practically merged into one. He takes a step backward, seating himself on the bed. With the raven still in his embrace, his body follows until he is unexpectedly sitting in the prince's lap. Although he is quite surprised by the movement, Caleb does not allow it to stop the kiss, reveling in the electric shocks that are coursing through his body. His hands travel up Henry's chest, the taut muscles quivering under his touch before his fingers tangle themselves in that golden blond hair. Caleb melts into him, his body relaxing as their mouths continue to move more fervently against each other.

A slight movement beneath him has Caleb gasping, his mouth removing itself from Henry's in his shock. Henry's rigid appendage twitches against him again at the same time the prince's lips meet the tender flesh of his neck, and the raven is overwhelmed with an emotion he cannot identify. His head falls back, and his eyes close, a soft noise escaping his throat as he presses himself more firmly into Henry's lap. A groan rumbles through the prince's chest, reverberating through Caleb's own body in the most tantalizing way. "I love you, Caleb," Henry murmurs into the other boy's neck, his lips barely leaving his exposed skin.

A sound that could only be described as a cross between a contented sigh and a needy whimper follows the words, the raven holding his prince more tightly against his body, if that is even possible. He relishes the moment, wishing that somehow it could last forever. It is as if all of his dreams are coming true. Caleb opens his mouth to reply, to tell Henry that he loves him, as well, but no words escape him.

Instead, the shrill voice of the raven's mother calls him, waking him from his slumber. Caleb slowly and wholly regretfully opens his eyes, utter disappointment washing over him upon realizing that it had only been a dream.

A beautiful dream.

He is quite startled when he gets out of bed to find that a particular part of his anatomy has not yet discovered that the arousing scene playing out before his eyes had not been real. Quickly, he changes into his raven form, thankful that the embarrassing view could be so easily taken care of before his mother steps into the room; Caleb is not sure he could live with himself if that ever happened.

Shaking his head, he attempts to remove all remnants of the dream from his mind; with his mother's presence close by, Caleb cannot afford to be caught dreaming about a particular handsome prince. It is not worth the risk. He would prefer not to be punished for things out of his control today, especially after the erotic, entirely inappropriate, and somewhat nonsensical dream he just had. It could not be possible for Prince Henry to love him, not so soon after their first meeting. Although, perhaps that specific word could be applied to the raven's own feelings; is that what love is? The instant and overwhelming connection to Henry? The powerful and heated desire to be as close as possible to him? The need to learn everything there is to know about him, the ache in his chest to ensure the prince's happiness? To protect him from all things wicked in the world?

The raven would not know.

He has never known love before, not even from the very woman who gave him life and raised him for eighteen years. How could he possibly know what love feels like? What it means?

Caleb is not sure, but he would be willing to wager that whatever he feels for Henry could someday soon turn into it. And he would let it; he would stand back and watch himself fall hopelessly and entirely in love with the prince. He would do so willingly and unhesitatingly and without rumination. Warmth spreads through his body as he suddenly discovers that it is inevitable. He will surely fall in love with Henry at some point; he can feel it. Whatever this invisible bond between them is, it will undoubtedly lead him down that path someday.

And even if it turns out to be the opposite of his favorite fairytales and they do not live happily ever after, even if it crushes him, the raven will not regret a single moment of it.

How he hopes someday Prince Henry will love him in return.

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