5. In Another World

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   So, I was saved by Em aka The Dark Prince, the star of the campus. 

   Who would've thought!

   Emma has been jamming my ears about him all the time. I had been duly informed how smug, sexy and haughty he was, even before I met him. 

   She was sure to make clear that this applied not only to him, but also to his two best friends, Jamie and Lucky. In fact, she's always put a lot of emphasis on the latter, obviously due to her major crush on him. 

   I've heard endless stories about the three of them, how they're always together, extremely close and protective of each other. It has never been confirmed, but everyone, including Emma, is convinced they're actually boyfriends. This belief is clearly based on the fact that the other two are always ready to please any wish The Dark Prince has ever expressed in public. People say, a single look is enough.

   I know about their motorbikes, the band they play in, that no one messes with them and the fact that they generally do whatever they want. Lucky is the bad boy. Jamie is ladies' favorite, mostly because the other two are quite intimidating while he, as Emma puts it, is "a sweet angel".  And Em, well, he's the prince.

   I've heard that everyone wants to get close to them and solve the mystery of their relationship but with no success. Although Em is polite to people, he's always distant. No one has been able to befriend him during the two years of study together. 

   Now I know why people are so mesmerized by him. He's stunning. It's not only about his appearance. I didn't really have much chance to have a good look at him. It's this inevitable appeal that all his demeanor evokes in you to get more of him. I felt it and it was frighteningly strong.

   There's a catch in all of this though. The threesome is always in the center of the local gossip. People frantically dig out and swallow the tiniest bits of information. Everything is digested, their clothes, what they eat, who they speak to. Nothing goes unnoticed.

   I admit that I couldn't wait to see the three in person out of pure curiosity. I've never really expected to ever even have the chance to talk to any of them. It's not that I wanted it either. I'm not good in socializing, especially with smug, hot, popular people.

   And what did I do on my first day here? I became the biggest news on campus, feeding the hunger for juicy stories about The Dark Prince.

  Emma is right. We won't last five minutes in that building tomorrow, especially me. I already feel the next panic attack coming, definitely not ready to be the smash hit.

   My brain is desperately searching for a way out of this situation, when the solution strikes me. Maybe, we can simply wait for the storm to pass.

   "Emma, let's just skip a week," I start. "The official schedule isn't announced yet and we have only three lectures a day. Practice isn't starting before October. We won't miss much."

   The plan seems quite good to me, but she doesn't look convinced. 

   "People will eventually forget what happened and leave us alone. We can ask someone to give us the notes and study at home," I keep pleading. Yeah, sounds more and more reasonable.

   Emma, however, is scratching her nose and shaking her head in disagreement. I'm aware how big the stir I've created is. It wasn't my fault though. I did nothing on purpose. She surely understands that. The consequences are here and we need to deal with them.

   "No way! My parents will kill me if I skip a whole week of school," she snorts. "Besides, a week won't do. This will be the main topic for months, I assure you."

   It crosses my mind to offer her to move to my apartment. Her parents can't know if we go to lectures or not this way. On the other hand, I don't want to make her lie to them. But I really dread going to school either.

   "Go without me then," I don't give up. "I can't be there now. People will gaze at me all the time. Since I don't know the language, it will seem to me that everything they say applies to me, even if it doesn't. You know how I am. I feel uneasy just by thinking about it."

   Why doesn't she want to help me? 

   "Pleeease!" I whine pitifully.

   "I know, Sunny," Emma softens. "I don't like it either. I'm your best friend. They'll eat me alive. You're pretty interesting on your own, even without the part with The Dark Prince."

   She's thinking intently, wrinkling her forehead. Then looks at me with determination.

  "Sweetie, remember why you came here in the first place. Your goal was to start over again and overcome your anxiety. This won't happen while hiding at home. We knew that you'd draw some attention. You're prepared for it." She grabs my hand, "We can manage together. I'm with you."

   It's easy to say this when you're not me.

   It's funny now to remember the crowds, shouting my name. Not that I've ever enjoyed it, but it never bothered me either. It was just a routine, to stand on the award podium, waving to the fans and casting generous smiles towards the blinding flashes of the cameras.

   My heart painfully shrinks. 

   It was at another time and in another world. 

   In this one, I'm no more that boy. 



Hello everyone who reached the end of Chapter 5.

I know the last couple of chapters are a bit slow, but it's just to give you some backstory.

Soon things will pick pace again, I promice.

Are you curious about Sunny's past?

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I'd love to see what are your impressions. ❤

See you in the next chapter.

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Love: Anny 

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