Chapter 3

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It was the first day of work and Nia was feeling super nervous. Her mother had woken her extra early to avoid a repeat of last time, even though it ended up working in her favor. She had her breakfast and then got in her car. A 2001 Volkswagen that had seen better days. It took her two tries before the old beat-up car started. Maybe she’d buy herself a new car with her first salary.

The ride over to the company was short and uneventful. She smoothed down her pencil skirt as the lift took her up to the top floor. The secretary was already waiting for her.

“Miss Smith, I’ve been expecting you. Follow me please,” the lady said leading her down the hallway. “My name is Bethany Cage, but you can call me Beth,” she said in her slightly husky voice.

“As you know, you will be working for Mr McGregor, CEO of this magnificent company. Apart from your office, his office is the only one this floor cause he loves his peace and quiet.” She pushed a door open, “This is the break room, there’s a cafeteria downstairs though. But you don’t really have to get him anything. Mr McGregor doesn’t eat outside.”

“Oh, so I don’t have to get him anything like coffee, burgers…” she trailed off at Beth’s blank expression.

“He is British, he drinks tea, not coffee. And, he is an old man, he doesn’t need cholesterol. Refrain from giving him such. If he needs anything, he will tell you,” Beth said sternly. “Now, there are things that he does not like. He doesn’t like tardiness, he hates passiveness, he despises lazy people, and he loathes procrastination.”

“Wow, he.. uh, sounds like a really nice man,” she muttered under her breath.

The list of do’s and don’ts was quite lengthy. Nia listened attentively as Beth explained the preferences of her boss.

“You should never make a mistake, and most importantly,” Beth stopped and turned to look at Nia as she said in a grave voice, “Never laugh.”

Nia doubled over as she burst out laughing. The serious expression on Beth’s face was what made her amused.

“What is he, a grouch?” she asked in between laughs. Her laugh abruptly died when Beth didn’t laugh with her. The severity of her words then hit her, “Oh, you’re serious.”

“Yes,” Beth said unimpressed. “You may smile, a little, but don’t laugh. Its for your own good.” Beth said and walked out of the break room. Nia hurried to catch up with her, Beth walked fast. She pushed open another door, “This is his office.”

Nia marveled at the splendour of it. The office was huge. There was a huge floor to ceiling window ardorning one part of the wall, just behind his large desk. She was about to get a closer look when Beth suddenly slammed the door close almost bashing her face in.

“This is your office,” Beth said opening the door right next to his and moving aside so Nia could step in. She looked around happy with what she saw. The office was way bigger than her previous workplace.

“I can see you like it already,” she commented at the giddy smile that graced the girls face.

“Yes, I like it,” Nia replied still looking around.

“Good, now sit down let’s go over a few things.”


“Remember to be at work twenty minutes before. Always submit his assignments in time. I’ve been working for Mr McGregor for eight years now and I know what he likes. Hard work, diligence, loyalty, those are his fore principles. If you have those, I can assure you that you will love every second working for him. But if you are the opposite, get ready to kiss your career goodbye.”

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