chapter 51

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WITH HIS BACK resting against the wall, Robert watched the two females try to do yoga. At least one was getting it right, the other was failing miserably with no shame whatsoever. They were completely oblivious to his presence. He shook his head as Sally fell for the hundredth time and smiled when Nia laughed.

If he had known Sally had the ability to make her smile again, to bring her out of the cocoon she'd retreated into, he'd have brought her sooner. Her sudden arrival had literally turned into a blessing in disguise and he could not be more grateful that she was around. It was a good thing to know she proved herself useful in some way. And though he knew that the little weasel went ahead and psycho–analysed Nia even when he specifically told her not to, he wasn't offended. As long as she kept her smiling, she was forgiven.

Sally fell over again and Nia stood from her pose to laugh at her. He could see her lips moving as she said something that made Sally squeal in excitement. Then both girls turned to the door and saw him standing there watching them like a total creep. They did not look pleased. He reacted first.

"Looks like you guys were having fun without me."

Sally grimaced at him. "Why were you standing there brother? Were you watching?"

"Of course not," he lied smoothly. "I just got here." She just had to point every thing out like his mother. "Are you guys done with whatever it is you were doing?" He asked flippantly.

"Yeah," Nia said bending to fold the yoga mats giving him a good view of her ass. The grey yoga pants made them look perky and fit her snugly.

"It's called yoga for your information," Sally said and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"You were flopping terribly," he whispered earning himself a harsh glare from Sally.

"I thought you said you weren't watching."

"I wasn't, I just happened to see you fall when I came in."

"Why you little.... "

"All done," Nia said straightening up. Because her back was turned to them, she didn't see the strangling motions Sally made with her hands or Roberts gaze on her ass.

"I'll be leaving for work in about an hour—"

"So?" Sally asked snottily.

Robert sighed and continued anyway. "If you can get ready before then..."

"Of course! I'll meet you downstairs!" Nia said already running out of the gym.

"Where are you guys going without me?" Sally asked petulantly feeling left out.

"The hospital. That's another sensitive topic I don't want you asking about Sally, and I'm damn serious this time. Do not ask any stupid questions."

"Stupid? Pfft, me? I only ask psychological questions and point out facts that your slow human mind refuses to accept. And right now you don't want to accept that my presence here is a bonus to you and Nia."

Robert yanked on her hair and walked out of the room. "Why do I even bother? You never listen."

Sally chuckled as she ran after him and jumped on his back. "Piggyback!"

"Aren't you too old for this?"

"Stop complaining and carry me up the stairs. If it were Nia now you wouldn't say a word," she said smugly.

Robert exhaled and slowly walked up the stairs. "You're getting fat."

Sally gasped in outrage as he gently set her down. "Why you little..."

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