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"Ophelia?" The man spoke again, his voice like shattering glass against me.

"Yes?" I responded.

My voice was still squeaky, like a childs.

I was confused, even scared, but I remained hopeful that he was the key to figuring this out.

The way he spoke my name, Ophelia, it burned inside me, filled with distraught and remorse.

Almost like Ophelia was forbidden in his vocabulary, an unspoken word.

Slowly, I stood up and walked towards him.

It felt like with every step, I was moving further from myself. Sinking into an unknown.

I was cautious, I've seen this before, with Lilia and Theodore. The eyes, the shaking. I wasn't going to fall victim to anyone, but the mystery of this man intrigued me.

"Sit," He said and gestured to the chair across from him.

I reluctantly did, my eyes never leaving his. They were blue, an uneasy blue that made you want to look away as quickly as you could. Filled with venom like a snake waiting to strike.

I hated his eyes.

"You," He paused, squinting at me. "you've definitely grown up."

He leaned back in the chair, almost irritated with me.

"Who are you?" I wanted to sound strong, tougher than I actually was.

The sounds of glass clattering and men speaking faded away. It was only him and I in the room.

He chuckled deeply, sending shivers down my back. I wanted Tewksbury here with me, I wanted anyone here with me.

I started to become annoyed with him, he wasn't taking me serious. He wants me here though, he asked for me, he has to know something.

"How did you know my mother?" I spat, my voice starting to rise.

I need to know.

"Your mother, what can I say about your mother." He took a swig of his drink and continued. "She was mad, it spread through her like a fire. She was a fire, hotheaded. Ultimately died from it, how strange is that?"

I stayed silent and let him mumble on.

"You look so much like her. She had the same red hair, she never put it up, let it fly wild in the wind. I couldn't take her anywhere. You speak the same too, trying to be something more than you are." He pursed his lips.

"Which is what exactly?"

"Helpless." He snarled.

Who the hell is this man?

"Now what do you want from me?" He said sharply.

"I just wanted to know more about her." I said.

 𝐎𝐇 𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐀 ; lord tewkesbury Where stories live. Discover now