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I turned towards my uncle who was red-faced, his mouth agape and brows furrowed into a straight line across his slicked forehead.

This was the first time all night I was given any sort of attention that wasn't poking and prodding at my dress or skin. And while I did enjoy their attention for such artificial things, I was relieved to feel some sort of genuine interest in me.

There was a pit rested in my stomach, an aching feeling that told me that I had no other option but to deny him. He is Lilia's, not mine. The kind of boy who's eyes only fell upon the finest of women; the ones who were given a list of the do's and don'ts of society from the moment they began walking. In all honesty I yearned to be one of those girls, and while I was granted the same education as them, I could never truly be enough of a woman to fit the role.

He shouldn't be asking me.

But he did, and my adrenaline outweighed my guilt.

"Of course." I nodded and hesitantly took his hand.

We made our way to the dance floor. People moved out of the way as soon as he appeared, like a sea was parting just for his path.

For a minute, I noticed a lot of eyes. Some wide and confused, others smiled as to approve. Like I said, tonight I wasn't Ophelia, this was a girl they had never seen before.

The song had just ended and a new song was to begin. Everyone took there positions, man across from woman.

I stood across from the lord, my breath skipping with every waiting second.

The song began to play, an old rendition of a waltz. The whole floor moved in one swift motion, like it was one body.

"You don't seem like the type to know how to dance, Miss Ophelia." Lord Tewksbury said to me while gliding me around.

"What have you gathered that from? You barely know me and if you did, you would know that I have many specialties." I replied. "Dancing is just the beginning."

I spun and we switched positions across from each other.

I wasn't the worst dancer in world, but it did take quite a bit of concentration to not miss a step and end up tumbling on the floor.

"Well your uncle has told me a great deal." He cocked his head to side, examining my face.

"Ahh, let me guess. How I am amazing at embroidery and gardening but most of all cooking and baking." I replied sarcastically.

The lord chortled with repressed delight. "Something similar to that."

"Why didn't you ask Lilia to dance, I'm sure she would've been amused. I have a feeling she has a strong admiration for you. " I asked quickly, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Mr. Brookings makes her out to be perfect, doesn't he? I don't fancy Lilia." He shrugged.

"Does that mean you fancy me?" I mocked.

I wasn't sure what answer I wanted. I don't even know why I said it, truly. It was a rather forward question for our first meeting, and quite disrespectful.

 𝐎𝐇 𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐀 ; lord tewkesbury Where stories live. Discover now