Chapter 15

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Ethan POV

The alarm system went of and sent a notification to my phone. I ignore it and look back at the man in front of me.

"I'll ask you one more time. Are you with the Russians?" I point my gun at him. 

"I don't know what your talking about," he said horrified to death. "I don't know anything about Russians. I swear I'm just finding out that-"

I pull the trigger before he could finish the lie he was telling me. "Clean this mess." I say to the men  before walking out of the room. 

I hear Dorothy voice when I leave the room. it's  was a good idea to soundproof all the rooms the last thing I need is Dorothy interrogating me.

"I'm Ethan's personal assistant." I hear Luca tell Dorothy. " I don' t work in his company though, I'm literally his personal assistant."

I don't know what was funny in that but Dorothy started laughing. That woman has a strange sense of humor. 

"Well, I'm Dorothy Harper and I'm aa dentist. Not that you know." Is this some kind of introduction game.

"I'm Ethan King and I'm joining this conversation." I butted in. 

"Daddy!" My little boy ran to me. I love hearing him call me that and I won't mind if Dorothy called me that too. "Your house is so cool. I wish I lived here."

"Me too buddy." I picked him up giving Luca a death glare.

"Nice seeing you Dora."  He said getting the message.

"Same." Dorothy smiled at him as he left us alone. "Thank you so much for being available."

"It's not a problem. I've always got time for my family." I dropped Liam down. I mean it. Even if I'm about to kill some fucking Russians I'll make time for both of them. They are very  important to me.

"I know. It's just that Charlie had to go to Connecticut and Mia had to go for her doctor's appointment." She said sighting. I would have dropped him off with your parents but I haven't talked to them since...."

So Charlie wasn't the last minute babysitter, I was. It fucking hurts that I'm not the fist person she thinks of. "It's okay baby doll." I forced a smile out for her.

"Okay," she nods. "So I need you to make sure he does his homework...."

Now she's telling me how to take care of a child. I know how to respond to children. I live a house full of them. I don't need tutorials on how to control a kid.

"Is that all?" I asked collecting the bag from her.

"He shouldn't take much candy." she said trying to remember anything else. "There is a list of things in the bag of what he can and can't do."

"Noted." I said her. "Now go."

"Bye little monkey." She bends down and pecks his cheek.  He hugs back and she stands up. "Thank you once again."

"Don't I get a kiss." I tease her. What the fuck man.

"Nice try." she smiles and walks back to the elevator.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked him opening up his bag.

"I want to watch tv." he said but looked down. "but mommy said I have to do my homework first."

"What mommy doesn't know won't kill her right?" I asked bringing out the list.

"Yay!" He said running around looking for the living room.

I look down at the ridiculous list.

Liam can.

*watch tv after doing his homework.

*have some chips after watching tv. Never offer him the whole bag

* have candy but must be hyperactive.

Liam can't

*watch tv for more than two hours

*play with his Lego pieces without promising to clean up.

*have candy unless he eats his veggies.

If there is any complication, call me.

Yeah I don't need this. I can take care of him with my fatherly instincts. Charlie can kiss my ass because he's never going to babysit Liam again. I scrunch up the paper and toss it in the trash can.

I've got this.


"What is the woman saying fucktard?" I shout at Lyon who's currently watching a YouTube video.

"I don't know. I don't understand what she's saying." He says panicking. "I'm losing my mind."

"Yeah no shit. Give me that dumbass." I grab the tablet from him forcefully. "This is says 'How to stop a two years old from throwing tantrums dickhead." I slap the back of his head.

"Why don't we call Dora," He winced rubbing the back of his head. "She'll know what to do."

"We aren't calling anyone." I snarled. "She's having fun with Nicole and I know how to control my son."

"You sure know how to." He mumbled.

"Find any tip to get him to stop." Ty shouted  over  the noise.

"I WANT CANDY!!" I look down at Liam scream. Damn that boy can shout. He's been like this for the past one hour. Dorothy would fucking  kill me if she ever found out about this.

"Just give him what he wants." I sighed bringing out a shot glass. I need a fucking drink.

"I can't, the list said I shouldn't-" 

"You picked up the fucking list from the trash can!" I snapped. "I threw it away for a reason."

"...and we are out of candy." He finished.

"Again?" Luca asked walking into the room munching his cereal loudly

"Then get him more." I gulp down the liquid in my shot glass. For some odd reason Troy and Lyon get into an argument add to the noise. I don't think I can survive this.

"Yeah, this is his third batch in a row."


"You can't just tell a child to shut up."


"I never  said that!"




"Oh wow."


That's it I can't take this any more. "SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU!" I roared. They all kept quiet after that.  Even Liam "And Luca stop chewing so loudly." I drop the shot glass and grab the list from Ty.

"Troy, you make sure Liam does his homework."

"Yes boss."

"Lyon make sure he eats his veggies" I toss the bag to him. "Ty make sure he runs around the apartment."

"Yes boss" they say in unison"

"And Luca for the love of god, go take some etiquette classes." I say to him as he rolls his eyes.

"I don't need classes." He mutter under his breath.

"Liam you do everything they tell you to do okay?" I said to him as looks around in awe.

"Yes boss." He saluted.

I chuckled a bit. "One day you'll be giving command just like I do." I turn back to my men. "I'm going to take a break."

I walked out to the balcony bringing out a cigarette out of my pocket. I don't think I can do this. I don't know how Dorothy does it but I need to learn how to take care of a child. I can't fail her again. I was already a shitty boyfriend. I can't be a shitty father too.

 I fucking need her.

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