Chapter 10

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"Today is is show and tell in Liam's school and he forgot the drawing of his dad at home. And he's having a meltdown at school." I say removing my coat balancing the phone on my shoulder.

"Well go get it," Midge says sounding amused by the situation.

"I know but I have to leave work and I have a few appointments this morning and I don't know what to do." I sighed closing my office door.

"Parenting is easy but you'll have to pull through." She starts. "Your number one priority is Liam so you go get that picture and take it to him."

"Yes, I will," I say with determination.

"Good are you done ranting cause I need to rant?" She says in a breath.

"Yeah sure." I put my Bluetooth on so I'll be able to listen to her and drive. "What's the problem?"

"Yesterday, I was with Theo and he said he had a surprise which made me excited cause as you know I love surprises like the time you and Shelly threw me a surprise birthday par-"

"You're going off-topic." I cut her.

"Yeah,  thanks but anyway I was really excited which made thinking of all the things he could possibly do to surprise me but my mind was blank because I was so excited and I didn't expect wh-"

"Get to the point Midge." I cut her from entering my apartment.

"Right. Sorry. Anyway, he dropped a bomb." She says not sounding so excited. "We are having a baby!"

"What?" I asked taken back at what she just said.

"With another woman." She finalizes.

"Another woman?" Okay, I'm confused. I check the bedside table for any pictures but I don't find anything.

"I know." She sighs. "I'm just mad at him but he claims it was a drunken mistake months ago before we met but I don't know."

"Ah hah." I smile picking up the drawing. It was on the kitchen table.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Oh, not you. I just found Liam's drawing." I say heading out f the house. "But regarding Theo, if he says it was a drunken mistake then maybe it was and with the timeline, there might be a possibility. You met him five months ago so she should be at least five months pregnant. Ask him how far she is into the pregnancy and if it's anything less than five months call me."

"Thanks for your help." She lets out a sigh.

"I'm glad to help." I smile even though she can't see me. "But I have to go."

"Yeah, make sure my little artist shows and tells his masterpiece." She says sounding gleeful.

"Bye." I hung up after she replies. 

I head to the door and open it,

"Ah!" I scream looking at the person in front of me. "What the hell are doing here?"

"I came to visit my son," Ethan says calmly too calmly.

"Well he isn't here and I need to go to get out of my way." I try to push past him but he pulled me back.

"I know." He leans closer to my face. "I want you to take me to him."

"No way," I say ignoring the feeling of his minty breath against my skin. "I need to go and you need to leave and never come back."

"I could get lawyers." He pulls away smirking. "Very good ones."

"Look, I have a son having a meltdown because he forgot his drawing for show and tell and I need to give this to him," I said moving closer to him. "For the last time get out of my way."

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