Chapter 1

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Four years later

Dorothy's POV

I look at myself in the mirror, my long brown wavy hair is now shoulder length.

Ethan loved my long hair and every time I looked in the mirror I remembered him playing with the tip and telling me how much he loved it.  I couldn't stand it so I cut it. 

I put a little makeup on and brushed at the knots in my hair.

"Perfect," I whisper staring at my handwork.

"Mommy!" I felt my little angel hug my legs.

Yes, I have a child and it's Ethan's. I found out a few days after the incident. It gave me a reason to reach out to him. I couldn't hide the fact that we were expecting a child so I tried to call him. For nine months, I tried but it was always the same result. 


I realized that I couldn't raise my baby in the apartment that Ethan and I shared. Honestly, the only reason why I stayed there was because I thought he would maybe tell me it was all a mistake and he was sorry he ever left me. The sad truth was that I would have taken him back without any hesitation.

 Once he wasn't picking up my calls or his parent calls I knew it was time for me to move on. He wasn't coming back and I wasn't going to wait for him anymore. I sold the apartment and bought a new one that was not so far away from my office. It was a big step to take and now I am grateful to those who supported my decision. 

I did everything I could to raise my little angel without a father with the help of my friends and family. It wasn't easy at first but I managed to pull through.

"Yes, Liam." I look down at him playing with the end of my skirt

"I drew a picture of you." He said showing me a drawing of what I assumed to be the both of us.

"Oh really." I picked him up and dropped him on the bathroom counter trying to make out what he drew.

"Yes." He grins pointing at the figures.  "This is you and this is me."

"We look so beautiful." I smile taking the picture from him. "I'm going to put this by my bedside table so every time I go to bed it would be the last thing I see and every time I wake up it would be the second thing I see." 

I carry him into the bedroom dropping him on my bed.

 "Why not first?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows and jumping off the bed.

"Because the alarm clock is the first thing I see." I chuckle sitting at the edge of the bed to put on my shoes. "You know, just because you drew a picture of me doesn't mean you are off the hook."

"I'll draw more pictures." He begs bringing out the forbidden puppy-dog eye. "I'm sorry."

"Do ever do it again," I warn looking deep into his eyes. "Promise."

"I promise. promise."

"So what are you doing now." I quickly changed the topic changing the mood

"I'm going to draw pictures of Jojo and me playing in the park." He explained rubbing his hands together. "It going to be like the park we were at yesterday."

"Run along then." I laughed at him when he almost tripped on his steps.

I smile as I watch him run out of my room. He grows wiser and smarter every day and sometimes I don't even notice.

  I grab my bag and pace to the kitchen dropping my bag on the nearest counter.

"Where are they?" I mutter under my breath.

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