11. Setback

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I saw Jack leaving in a hurry. I could feel his souls withering again, so I knew I had to go make sure he wasn't breaking. I wanted to do so right away, but I knew him well enough to give him some time to calm down a little before barging after him.

"So what exactly happened to Arch? He was walking around, attacking us. It was like he had no idea who we were, or who he was," Rayleigh spoke, and I turned my attention back to Selene.

"They pulled his spirits into a nightmare inside his own mind. His consciousness was trapped in it, and his body was left without a driver, so to speak," she explained.

"Just like that?" Rayleigh said, looking worried.

"It was only possible due to the link he had with the Shadow Realm. They used it to plant the nightmare in his head, but it's gone now, so they can't use it again," Selene said reassuringly.

"Good," Rayleigh sighed, shaking his head. "Is there anything else you can tell us? Anything we need to know about this attack, and how to prevent it from happening again."

"I've told you everything I know," she said. "This won't happen again, unless one of you is pulled through the Shadow Realm again."

"And I can break it," I said.

"Good," Rayleigh said again and turned to look at Thisalee. "We need an emergency meeting right now."

"Yes, love," she said, and left.

Selene and I were left alone in the front door of the Great Hall as everyone else except for Jaden and Tilly hurried inside for the meeting. I watched the chaos for a short moment, but then turned to look at Selene.

"That bond you created between Arch and Jack is cruel," I said quietly.

"I'm just a messenger," she said quietly. She was watching towards where Jack had vanished. "That bond is his own doing."

"It's tearing his souls apart," I noted.

"And it's the only thing also keeping them together," she turned to tell me. "His souls were shattered long before he even knew the Diviner existed. That shadow who possessed him took advantage of it, and without the bond Jack shared with the Diviner, his spirits would be long gone. It was that simple, desperate thought of a better future that gave him strength to keep fighting."

I turned to look in the direction Jack had vanished. I wished there was more I could do, but the only thing he needed was more time, and get his spirits cleansed from the shadow infestation.

"That shadow was very powerful," Selene continued. "But they should've known better..."

"What do you mean?"

She turned to give me a smile. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," she chuckled. "Imagine an Alpha spirit that has been pushed to the limit for months and months."

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