46. Two Sides

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No... Jack... He couldn't be dead. He... They... They shot him. No... No! He couldn't be dead! There was no way he'd survived the abuse and the shadow infestation just to get shot here! Jack was the Son of Fenrir! A champion! He couldn't be... No... He couldn't be dead.

He couldn't...

I tried so hard to fight back against everyone and everything. I was too weak. I was too small against these people, even though they weren't much bigger than me. There were just too many, and they had chained me up. What drove me into a bigger panic was the fact that I was stuck in my human form. I couldn't turn into a spirit or a shadow! No matter how hard I tried, nothing happened!

In my panic, I tried to scream for Cedric and Cameron, but I couldn't feel them in my soul. I couldn't feel them at all, anywhere, like they were... like they weren't in this world anymore. Where were they? When did they disappear? How did they disappear?

The enemy must've done something to me when he brought us here. There was no other explanation, but knowing that only made my panic even worse. How could he do something like that to me? To me?! The carrier of Hades' Echo!

And then I got separated from everyone else.

I thought I could die from fear. I lost the last of my courage and sanity with Jaden. I still tried to fight, I tried to kick and shout and scream, but the chains wouldn't budge, and all I managed to do was injure myself against the sharp shackles.

"Let me go!" I shouted for the hundredth time, but none of these people were listening.

I counted five of them dragging me through the hallways of the castle, taking me somewhere underground, but I spotted more enemies everywhere we went. People with guns. Supernaturals in their true forms. There were so many... The castle itself was way larger than it had looked from the outside. There were hallways after hallways after hallways... All dark and cold and grim. I would never find my way back to my...

Jaden! I couldn't even feel his presence! That didn't mean he was...? No, he couldn't be dead, right?! The enemy wanted Cerberus, so they wouldn't kill him. He said... He said... He wanted to tame them? By possessing them? Or something more horrible?

The fear was strangling me. I couldn't even think. Hundreds of thoughts and emotions were crashing through me, and I couldn't get a hold on any of it. I had to calm down so I could... Could what? I was completely at their mercy! I could maybe take down one of them, maybe two, with the power of my panic, but all five of them? And in shackles?

The ground under my feet shook a few times, and a moment later, I heard a distant sound of a wolf howling. I could only hope that meant good for me, because the people leading me glanced over their shoulders and hurried forward. They seemed worried. That gave me a little bit of my courage back. These people could feel fear, and for some reason, that calmed me.

Two Sides of The Moon | Gay BxB |Where stories live. Discover now