38. Recognized

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"You want it here, right?" Ben asked me, pointing at the empty spot between the trees Tilly had cleared with one kick.

I nodded, and Aurora hugged me tightly with one arm.

"This is so exciting," she muttered.

"Do you want the door facing this way?" Ben asked.

"Sure," I said with a shrug.

"All right! Step back!"

We all did as he asked and retreated to the wall of Aurora's house to stare at his back. Ben took his locket off his neck and dropped it in front of him. Except it didn't drop to the ground, but stayed there, floating in front of him. When he spread his arms, the locket flew higher and opened. I was too far away to see inside, but I saw the black dust leaving from it, forming into a big vortex between the trees.

"One small house coming right up!"

He clapped his hands together, and my little home appeared, the dust exploding everywhere. Ben moved his hands down, lowering the house gently to the ground.

"There we go," Ben said, grabbed his locket and walked to us with a smile on his face.

The rest of us just stared at the house. I could feel the stupefied atmosphere all around me.

"I suddenly believe I know how you felt the first time you heard about werewolves," I told Oliver.

"So you're not used to seeing flying houses, either?" Oliver asked with a chuckle.

"Nope," I said, shaking my head as I stared at my house. "I feel like I don't know much about my own world."

"If it makes you feel better, me neither," Aurora said with a smile. "Do you want to go take a look before dinner?"

I continued staring at the house without replying to her right away. There was something Fenrir had said to me, and now that my house was here, completely unharmed, and Arch was standing right next to me, his eyes on me just like I had always dreamed, the shadows gone and my spirits finally growing strong...

"There is something I need to do," I said quietly.

"What is it?" Aurora asked and I saw her frown when I glanced at her.

But I turned to look at Rayleigh. "I want to see my pack," I told the Alpha.

Rayleigh nodded, and no one opposed the idea when he started leading me out of Aurora's yard. I could feel their curious eyes on me as our little group walked past the houses to a less crowded area. I knew they had questions, but didn't dare to say anything. I was grateful for it. I needed a little time to gather myself. I hadn't seen my pack since the battle ended. I felt nervous, but calm at the same time.

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