Looking To Belong (A Runt's Story, mate is not a alpha)

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By CrystalScherer

Everyone wants a place to belong, and Jade is no exception. Her pack was killed when she was twelve, making her a rogue by default. She approached numerous packs in hopes of joining them but was turned away each time. With no pack, she is forced to remain in no man's land, where rogues, lawless wolves, and ferals roam at will.
There is one significant problem though; Jade is a runt. Her wolf form is small and not as strong or as fast as other wolves. It's a struggle for her to survive as a rogue in no man's land.Will she ever be accepted into a pack? Can she ever find a place where she can belong?

Enjoyable none cliche
no main characters are mated to the alpha

although jade was born a runt she does not let her size hold her back.she is well aware of her limitations, finds ways to work around them and uses them to her advantage.  She is a strong female character one who uses her brain ,she is kind  and not at all a hateful,petty or anti male . Her mate treats her right from the get go,sadly rare for werewolf books.

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