Mikhail (Dystopian,supernatural,werewolf )

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Mikhail by Ho_Lee_Fuc

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"The war has begun..." An old man opposite her cage mumbled more to himself, using a jagged stone to scrape on the cemented floor, "Oh the blood that will be shed... the lives yet to lose... he will kill us all... he will finish what was started..."Maeve perked up slightly at his words but never moved from her position. "Shut up old man." Another man grumbled from his cage, "that's enough." "No one will stop him for they betrayed him..." He rumbled then barked out a maniacal laughter, "He's here for our souls! He is here to burn their kingdom down! He's going to avenge what was lost!" "What is he talking about?" A woman slowly crawled onto her knees, fingers clutching the cool metal bars while she stared at the old man who was rolling back and forth like a toddler. "The seventh alpha." The seventh alpha. Just the sound of his title made her stomach coil instinctively and though he was not near, she could almost taste his scent of rain and apples on the tip of her tongue."Stop your nonsense old man and get some rest." Another man spoke up followed by the heavy creaking of his bed. Silence settled into the room and for a moment, Maeve believed that the old man really had slept. Removing the hand that rested over her eyes, she started to sit up, eyes sweeping to the cellar opposite hers only to freeze at the sight of blue eyes, milky from years of cataracts forming. Maeve stilled, dried lips parting as he raised a liver spotted finger at her. "You." "Me?" "He's coming for you." 

For 6 million years Mikhail has patiently waited; plotting and strategizing how he will exact his revenge against his siblings who betrayed him in the name of power. What he did not account for nor anticipate was having a mate, much less a human mate. Maeve, who in her youth, is headstrong and obstinate is also witty, and courageous. She believes in and fights fiercely for the liberation of her people, which many a times places her in life threatening predicaments. Her position in Mikhail's life serves as both a weakness and an obstacle in his path for vengeance. Concurrently, Mikhail's presence in her's pushes Maeve to pursue her purpose more fervently, often without regard for the consequences that may arise. With their purposes placing them at odds with each other, what does that mean for their bond? Will Mikhail forsake his vengeance for his mate? Will Maeve give up her purpose for the sake of her mate? Can the bond withstand the pressures of the obstacles they face? "betrayal will have its revenge, but at what cost?"

must read       Anger can keep you alive, the thirst for revenge can drive you to the edge, push you to do things  you  once did not believe yourself capable of. i wonder how many truly enjoy the ashes left in their wake ?   . no war is won without sacrifice. No crown has been worn that was  not drenched in blood.the throne is a prison the palace its walls. This book sets itself apart from many werewolf books truly a unique read

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