Chapter 2

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Dipper's POV:

Whether it's a simple request, a beg, or a dare, I did it, hoping it would lead to how I felt that day.

Some tasks were simple and people thanked me for them, which there was really no need for. But some would lead me to the Nurse's office or even the Emergency Room, becoming a regular patient.

The kids at school called me "The kid who would do anything" and it was true. I would do anything for the person who would finally realize what I want and make me happy again.

I just wish someone would want me by their side. Couldn't anyone see that I would do literally ANYTHING for them?! I don't care how they treat me or what they've done, I just want to belong to someone.

One day though, someone wanted to test me and told me to jump off the school roof.

But he underestimated how desperate I am.

I gave him a smile and didn't hesitate.

Perhaps he would finally be the one!

I went up to the second floor and tried going to the roof through a window, but sadly, a teacher caught me and immediately stopped me.

Ever since that day, I've felt like a failure. I had failed my future master, and I swore that I never would again. It hurt me so much that I started inflicting self harm every time I saw him. I would cut some of my arm with a small pocket knife Ford had given me or would bang my head on the nearest wall as hard as I could.

Mom and Dad got me a therapist after that. She's a nice lady to be honest. She told me to tell her about myself, and so I did. I told her about my goal and what I wanted to accomplish.

The colors from her face drained when she heard of my desires. She called me insane.

She explained to me over and over that I didn't need to do what others told me, that I have a choice to not listen.

I think she's insane for not wanting the same thing.

She had asked my parents when was the last time I was "normal" and they said it was when they sent me and Mabel away to Gravity Falls three years ago.

She advised them to send me back and see how I reacted.

I still don't understand the purpose of it, but I had to do it since they told me to.

I'm actually pretty excited though. This was, after all, the place I realized my purpose for living.

Maybe I could finally find the person I belong to.

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