Chapter 26

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3rd POV:

Dipper made it just in time and pushed Ford away before he did anymore damage. He knelt down and was about to grab Bill's hand when a sudden voice stopped him and caused his hand to flinch, missing the attempt.

"NO DIPPER!" Ford shouted and gestured him to step away, "Can't you realize we're doing this for you?! With him finally gone, you'll be free from the spell he put on you! You finally won't have to do what others tell you!"

This was it, Dipper had snapped. He was sick and tired of people not accepting who he is.

Dipper's eyes furrowed with rage and turned back to face his family, "Can't YOU realize that I'm not under any spell Ford?!" he shouted back and clenched his fist, "It's completely MY choice to be this way! You can't change me!"

Ford tsked at the fact that he had been interfered with. He had to think of something fast, something that would put Dipper in a tight spot.

An idea then popped into his head and Ford scowled at him, "If that's true, then obey me and KILL him!"

Dipper's eyes widened and looked over to Bill, who was still clinging to the edge, and didn't know what to do. He felt his body start moving on its own, making him fall down on his knees facing Bill, and took out the pocket knife.

Tears started forming in Dipper's eyes as the weight of force on his hands got heavier and heavier, getting closer to striking Bill.

Only one sentence repeated in Dipper's mind, "I don't want to do this... I don't want to this... I don't want to do this..."

"Pine Tree..." Bill whispered.

Dipper heard the voice be had missed so much and clenched the knife with anger, "I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!" he yelled as he threw the knife off the cliff with pure rage.

He quickly put his hands on Bill's and grasped them with intensity as tears fell down his face, "Mas- I mean, Bill..." Dipper sniffed as he tried fighting his obedient side, "I- I don't what to-"

"Pine Tree," Bill said, cutting him off, as his eyes got teary, "You don't have to save me unless you truly wish to. This has to be your choice. I know that I shouldn't be here any way, I should've just accepted my defeat back then."

Bill then smiled as much as he could in the midst of things, "But before I die, please promise me not to listen to others anymore. Be free and become your own person." he pleaded, "Please... for your master."

Dipper smiled back at him, as small tears started falling down his face, and shook his head, "But I don't want to be my own person, I want to be with you!" he shouted.

Bill's eye widened, "Wh- what?"

Dipper pulled Bill up with what strength he had and they both knelt down on the grass to take a moment to breathe.

Bill watched Dipper panting for breath and stuck his hand out to him, "Pine Tree-"

"My mind is stuck." Dipper interrupted, stopping Bill's hand.

"It's stuck on wanting to belong to someone and doing whatever they ask. I- I don't think I want that anymore. I don't know if I can ever be fixed... but if I stay this way, I only want to belong to you!" he said with both tears and laughter as he clenched onto his pants, trying to hold himself together, "I want to be there with you in the good times and bad, I want to be by your side as the insane person I am."

Bill placed his hand on Dipper's shoulder, trying to calm him, "Pine Tree, you're not insane."

Dipper grabbed his hand and clenched it tight, "I am..." he said sadly, but his eyes then lit up, giving him a face of insanity, "But you can fix me! You've got powers right?! Just change my mind or something and make me normal again! I'm the puppet and you're the puppet master, just take control and I'll be just how you want me to!"

Bill frowned and shook his head sadly, "I can't do that."

Dipper's hopeful face then died out. "Why- why not?" he asked, slightly letting go of Bill.

"Pine Tree you're just..." Bill bit his lip, trying to find the right word, "Lost. Lost in what you're supposed be and do. It's completely normal for that to happen, you're not insane."

More tears fell down Dipper's face, realizing he was never going to be normal again, "But- but-"

Bill cupped Dipper's cheeks and gave him a smile of sympathy and assurance, "Besides, I've never minded a little insanity any way." he added.

Dipper tried to smile back at him, but instead started hyperventilating from fear and joy as he did something he hasn't done in three years: cry.

Bill pulled him in closer and Dipper buried his face in his chest, calming down a bit. Bill smiled at him, feeling complete.

With all the commotion and confessing, Bill had completely forgot about the Pines family. He looked towards them with his eye turned red and growled at them.


"DIPPER GET BACK HERE!" Mabel shouted, "That's an ORDER!"

Stan just sighed and held them both back, keeping them from running towards Dipper and Bill, "I think it's for the best you two." he admitted.

"WHAT?!" Mabel and Ford shouted in disbelief.

Stan gave Bill a wink, which gave him relief and made his rage die down. "Well it was nice seeing you again, but I think this'll be our last time coming here." Bill announced and gave them a slight bow, "I hope we don't meet again Shooting Star and Sixer, Fez... good luck."

Stan chuckled as Mabel and Ford just got angrier.

Bill felt his powers return to him and held onto his pine tree tight, "Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!" he said as his final farewell and snapped his fingers, teleporting them back home.

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