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Dedicated to @JyotiGovil and @rids51. Thanks for all the love and support. 

Kriti's POV

I quickly got changed into a comfortable black top and my denim jeggings. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and then looked at myself in the mirror. Damn, I look nice

I stepped out and got into a pair of black sneakers that I had carried with me, luckily. He wanted to go 'trekking' right, so where did he disappear now. That idiot, we could have sat peacefully in the room and watched netflix on his laptop, but no he wants to go trekking. I feel bad for my poor feet. I look at them and stroke them slowly. 

'Don't worry, I will give you a nice massage  after all the torture that Idiot puts us through, I'll even take you for a massage, but we won't take that Idiot with us, after all he is the reason for our torture' I said to my feet. At my last statement my inner voice spoke up once again, annoying me, Is it really because he tortured you or because of the women that will be massaging him. 

I just groaned at my inner voice, and looked away from my feet for a second. I noticed another pair of feet in my line of sight, I slowly looked up, I saw the clean feet, how can someone have such clean feet. Then I saw the legs of that person, do they never end. Next was the abdomen, damn its toned, definitely a man. I slowly got up and peeked up to see the face of the person I was just checking out, shit, it was Sid. 

He looked somewhere between amused and cocky. I am sure I just inflated his already big ego, oh lord why, oh why do you put me in such situations? Do you really find it so amusing, am I the only one you do this to, and why do you always put me in such situations with him. I got up, and walked to the wall without the consent of my head. I just banged it there. That really woke me up, ouch it hurt. 

'Ya, that's what happens when you bang your head to the wall' he taunted from behind. Shit, I didn't realize that I said that out loud.

'Shut up' I said still rubbing the spot it hurt at. He walked closer to me looking concerned now, his emotions really change as fast as that of a pregnant woman. I stopped rubbing my head and looked away. Just then I felt a warm touch at the spot I'd hurt myself. 

'This is going to get sore' he told me. 

'I know' I said sadly. 

'Get on the bed, I'll come in a minute' he said. 

'Are you mad, I have not broken my leg or something, let's go trekking like you wanted to' I said. 

He hit his head with his hand at that. 

'I meant get on the bed, I'll get the first aid kit, apply the ointment and then we can go' he said slowly, as if explaining a little baby 'okay baby?' he asked tauntingly, I should have glared at him, but guess what I did, you're right, I blushed. I quickly walked to the bed so that my back was to him. I heard him chuckling as he walked to the walk-in-wardrobe where our bags were kept. 

He walked out with the kit. He placed it on the bed and opened it, taking out on of the ointments. He applied it to the place a bump was appearing, before putting it back inside, and returning the kit to its place. 

'Why did you have a first-aid kit?' I asked curiously. 

'I was travelling with you' he said shrugging as though that explained everything. 

'What is that supposed to mean?' I asked. 

'It means that you end up breaking or hurting some or the other part of your body, better to be safe then sorry. Now princess, if you're done with your interrogation can we leave or do you want to seriously spend the day here, staring at my face like I am the 8th wonder of the world' he asked. I shook my head, glaring at him before walking out of the door. Two minutes later, Sid walked out and we made our way to the reception, where I glared at the new receptionist who seemed to be checking out my husband. She noticed me and then looked away sheepishly. I grinned at that, its good to know that people are scared of you sometimes. We got into the car and made our way to the spot we were supposed to start the trek from. 

'I was just wondering, did you tell your feet the real reason for not wanting me to go to the spa' he asked innocently, though I could tell from his voice that he was trying his best to keep himself from laughing. 

'You heard my conversation' I screeched. How did I not realize that he was there, god he is going to tease me about this for the rest of our lives. 

'It's not a conversation if only one person is talking' he said before he started laughing out loud. 

'Oi, I was not talking to my feet, I was talking to myself. Sometimes, I need the help of an expert panel' I said.

'Whatever you say princess' he said grinning, before handing me his phone. 

'What do you want me to do with your phone?' I asked confused. 

'Read my chats with my secret girlfriend' he said sarcastically, atleast I hope he was sarcastic. 

'You have a secret girlfriend, how can you, fine then I will also get myself a boyfriend in the next month' I said angrily, just imagining him having a girlfriend made my blood boil. He pulled up the car at the curb, before turning to me and moving closer. 

'I was just joking, I do not have any girlfriend, and nor are you getting any boyfriend, you are only MINE' he said moving closer with every word. Our noses were touching, and I am pretty sure that if someone looked us from outside they would have thought that we were kissing. 

'Clear princess' he whispered, moving even more closer, if either of us moved even a little, our lips would definitely touch. I could hear my heart beating loud and erratic. I am sure that he could hear it too. Suddenly, as though realizing our proximity, he pulled away. I slowly breathed out and slumped in my seat, though I don't know if it was in relief or sadness.

He started driving again handing me the phone. 

'What do you want me to see?' I asked seriously. 

'It's a video that we are going to show our children in the future' he said. What? Children? What video. I blushed bright red at that thought. 

'What's the password?' I asked curiously. 

' 21 12' he answered casually before tensing up. I froze in my seat as I heard his answer. Did he still love her? why had he not changed his password after the wedding? why did he still let it be her birthday? What will happen when she returns?

Hey guys, sorry for not updating as frequently as I did last year. I have my boards in a few months and everything is just so crazy. Anyways, Happy Republic Day to all my Indian readers.

 'Constitution is not a mere lawyer's document, it is a vehicle of life, and its spirit is always the spirit if Age'  - BR Ambedkar. 

I hope you'll liked this chapter, it was a rollercoaster of emotions, I have laughed and have cried while typing this chapter out, I hope you'll can relate with me. If you did like the chapter, please do vote, comment and share. Your comments make me the happiest person, I have this smile as though I slept with a hanger in my mouth the previous night. 

Anyways, take care and stay safe. 

Love you guys!!!

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